Hem hem....


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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It's prune day :cheer:


You'll be pleased to know you only have to put up with two more of these before I stop and grow up :oops:

I could REALLY use some prunes at the moment but a prune-sized foetus will have to do. Each week that passes now makes this whole experience more surreal and I still can't believe I've made it this far.
WoooOOoHoooOOooo :cheer:

Happy Prune day hun :wave: That's so fantastic :hug:
congratulations- so hapy that you made it to prune day!! :cheer:
yay! i dont believe u buddabun (about only 2 more weeks) i think you'll carry this over to 2nd tri :lol: so i'll have a week off until i join u too, then i'll get the fruit babies again :lol: lmao :hug:
No I promise I will stop, no 13 week fruit for me honest :shakehead:

Prune is certainly a weird one... I much preferred week 8's raspberry - cuter - but prune just makes you go 'eww' :lol:
buddabun said:
No I promise I will stop, no 13 week fruit for me honest :shakehead:

Nooooo!! I think you should carry on until the end!
Happy prune day BB! Just a few more days and we'll have a prune as well.

The other day my OH saw the emergency scan we had done on Sunday and he couldn't believe how clear it was. He said "well you've been saying that it's a strawberry so I thought it'd look like a strawberry!" Ah bless :D
what's the website address hun?

was wondering what I am now!!
Woohoo for 10 weeks honey! Nearly there, we'll be seeing you in tri 2 before you know it...
ooh I say, I'm an avocado! I'm still not sure which week I'm sposed to be looking at, I think we shoudl all move up one cos my ticker says my cashew is supposed to be 5in long now, and the avocado one is only 4.5. Hmm! Mind you, that'd make watermelon come aroudn quicker, strike that, what am I saying :shock:
an avocado. that's amazing!!!

Don't forget it's all educated guesswork anyway, it's not EXACTLY the size of an avocado or anything.

I wonder what's the same size as a prune... Something nicer than a prune. I don't think I've ever seen a prune :lol:
That is true. I have always thought the prune one was a bit of a shame, we must try to think of something better for you hon! I've seen a prune, my mum eats them every day ( :puke: ), you're not missing much, they really are that wrinkly and funny looking.
yey! And for what it's worth I LOVE prunes :-D i always have a massive load of them as my first meal after giving birth, good for helping things along in the poo poo department after pushing out a baby :lol:

Oooo am going to get some prunes now!
buddabun, ur a quarter of the way thru already! :shock: it goes quick doesnt it
:lol: thanks for the prune tips ladies - are they dried plums? Ironic considering hubby's plums probably shrivelled up watching the birth ;)

Trix, it's kind of gone quickly in the sense that I look back and think "Bloody hell I'm 10 weeks pregnant" but also it's dragged on as I just want to get to 12, have my scan and try to relax a bit (plus maybe the sickness will ease then :().

1/4 of the way through. Yikes. In 30 weeks I'm going to have a baby :shock:

And most of you will HAVE babies!!!
Shh budda, we don't talk about that! I never said I was actually going to HAVE this baby :shock:
splashmonkey said:
Shh budda, we don't talk about that! I never said I was actually going to HAVE this baby :shock:

My sentiments exactly....I plan on being down the pub getting trollied, someone else's going to do the whole giving birth bit!! :rotfl:
dunno about drink but you could certainly get doped up to the eyeballs :)

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