

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Tilly has not had a feed since 4.15pm.

I can't get her to take anything, she has slept most of the afternoon and not been awake and I can't get her to latch when she is like that.

Also if I wake her she will be hysterical and won't feed from me.

I'm concerned at the length of time it has been now :(

What do I do?
Try undressing, changing her nappie and putting a cold cloth on her. How old is she? We were told to wake K up every 4 hours at the longest in her early days but it never really worked and just upset her. She just naturally needs a 5 -6 hour stretch of sleep every night. I would still try to wake your lo up especially if she is very young.
Alyssa was like that at first and was starting to sleep longer and longer and feed less to the point where she was dehydrated so i started giving her extra formula feeds to give her some energy.

id advise to deffo strip her and waker her up properly then feed her as its what i have to do sometimes even now with A. i wouldnt let her go more than 4 hrs between feeds then either. now im letting her wake herself most of the time but still start disturbing her around 4 or 5 hrs at the most
When we were just home my mw said 5hrs during the day, 6 at night.

As for waking her, just as ladies said. Let us know how you get on. Xxx
Tilly has not had a feed since 4.15pm.

I can't get her to take anything, she has slept most of the afternoon and not been awake and I can't get her to latch when she is like that.

Also if I wake her she will be hysterical and won't feed from me.

I'm concerned at the length of time it has been now :(

What do I do?

I'd give mw or hv a ring if you're worried M didn't feed for 12 hours and we ended up being admitted to hospital as she had jaundice and was dehydrated so didn't have the energy to feed

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Thanks for the replies :)

I managed to feed her for a good 50 mins just after I posted this last night. She just showed no interest in feeding yesterday whatsoever and slept a lot. She looks a bit jaundiced and mw has said to keep an eye on it and feed as often as possible.

The stripping her was a fab tip, thanks!
Hi T
glad lo is ok, as for jaundice has mw actually told you what to look out for? S was jaundiced but it steadily got worse we ended up back at hosp for blood tests. X

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