Help! Worrying too much!


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2008
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I know its normal to be worried but im starting to get really scared about it now :oops: Just keep thinking that we'll go for a scan and nothing will be there or no heartbeat or something will be wrong. If i've got really strong postive pregnancy tests (i cant stop taking them i know im stupid!) and no bleeding what are the chances something will be wrong? As long as theres no blood does that mean everythings ok? I think its because iv told work that iv started with this unhealthy worry about the baby :cry:
Aw hun, you're not alone. If you ask every person in 1st tri what their biggest fear is, they will say that its that something will be wrong when they have a scan. Its normal to worry :hug:
Reading this post is like reading something written by myself! I think everyone feels the same. Not that that makes you feel any better...

I just try to tell myself that every day that goes by means it is more and more unlikely that anything bad will happen...And in any event, my doctor tells me that basically there is nothing we can do to cause a MC so it is all in fate's hands.

Bring on the scan though! It can't come soon enough as far as I am concerned.
try not to worry sweetie, i felt exactly the same when i was pregnant with millie. i told everyone as soon as i found out (6 weeks with her) and i too worried that the first scan would say i wasnt even pregnant or something and i worried so much about mc. and i had no bleeding not a drop. and of course i got my little princess now big and strong toddler :D

this time- again i told everyone as soon as i found out (nearly 5 weeks) but this time was spotting like the day after and also that week was in such a harsh position i was kind of wishing a mc on myself in a way (whereas with millie there was NO part of me thinking it would be for the best) and as you know i did mc this one :(

not bleeding is a GREAT sign, altho its not necessarily worrying if you do, as i posted in ask a mum about it and quite a few had heavy bleeding but it wasnt a mc. :)
This is exactly how I'm feeling hon. Must have done 20 pregnancy tests and yeah they're really strong now, only takes a second for the line to show! :rotfl: I still worry every time I don't feel sick when I wake up and I'm crapping myself about my early scan on Friday which I know I'm really lucky to be able to have in the first place :wall:

You are not alone!
its natural to worry hun and once your a mummy it doesnt stop :D
absolute normal worries hun its so easier said than done not to worry :hug:
youre not alone, i feel the same way - its ridiculous cos in the same line as me saying i'm scared there will be nothing there, it wont be alive I am also adding in that it will be healthy twins! Doesnt make sense - it's natural to worry hunny but chin up, no bleeding is the best sign you can have that everything is going great :hug:
Thanks ladies, i know deep down im being silly but youve made me feel better now i know im not alone in thinking this. :hug: Only 2 weeks for me and im going to see my baby :dance:
I cant wait to see your baby :hug: and mine lol!
2 weeks seems like forever though!!!!
Hope it goes ok on your early scan.

I'm a real worrier as well hun xxx
The paperwork from my hospital says the risk of not knowing their is something wrong is 3%. That's all! How teeny tiny are those odds?

97% chance that everything will be fine if you have had no problems in the run up to your scan 97% Cracking odds if you ask me! :dance:

But don't worry we're all thinking exactly the same.

Two weeks to go and you'll be thinking why did I even worry about that and you'll be posting the picture of your son or daughter on here for us to coo over. :hug:
Thanks for posting those stats! I've been worrying myself silly too and I'm only six weeks. I have been awake since 1.30 last night and had to call in sick because my head was all of the joint. It is great to hear those stats though!!
I'm litterally quoting the sheet I got with the date for my 12 week scan from my hospital.

It says **sensitive**

Sadly 3% of women discover at their 12 week scan that the baby has stopped growing. (Which lets face it is what we are all worrying about)

So by my powers of deduction 97% of babies HAVE NOT stopped growing!
They just have to warn you to cover their own backs.

Glad its helped - it helped me when Hubby found me clutching it in a ball of mess :cry: . He couldn't understand why I was upset when the odds were so good. Once he explained I felt a right goon :oops: !
hi all, as some of you will know i was on here saying the same thing a day or so seems that everyones fear is that there will be no baby when you go for scan and it seems like such a long time until you go for your scan...It is not a logical fear as i felt it last time and all was fine but the thought is still there anyway :D

Anyway my scan is tomorrow and so the wait is nearly over so i will let you know how it goes and how many there are !! :rotfl:

xx tigger
We can't help worrying! I think I have worried about everything possible already and until I see a scan I will still worry. I am not having my first scan until 17th Dec and by then I will be 13 weeks! It feels like time is going backwards.......

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