Help with names please!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
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So we have been ttc for a long time now and talking about possible names for at least 2 years and still not have come to anything we like or agree on. Good thing we have at least another 9 months to think about this.

Every now and then we have fun throwing names at eachother, but nothing ever works for both of us. I am orriginally from the netherlands, and although I have no intension of using a dutch name, I just want to make sure it is ok in dutch as well.

Like he loves Eli for a boy and although I really ike it, it is a typical girls name in the netherlands, but when I suggest using elijah it is a big no again. And if we ever like a name it is already used in the family :(

Just hoping you guys can help throw some names in that we might have overlooked!

So far my likes are
Boy: Theodore, Ethan, Finn, Logan, Arthur
Girl: Allison, Elle/Ella, Quinn, Lorelai, Millicent

He likes:
Boy: Logan, Bram, Eli
Girl: Cordiella is a maybe for him... other then that I doubt there have been any names he has actually like.

Oww, and I am dead set on a middle name as well, so was loving the whole Ella Quinn name, but hubby said no.
And just so you guys know, I am not a fan of anything named after something, like flowers/months/weather, but who knows, there might be a gem in there as well.
I love your boy shortlist, Ethan and Theodore especially. From your girls list my favourites are Allison and Millicent. For me Quin is a boy name but that is due to having an Uncle with that name, I've heard it used lots for girls recently though.

If it is any help at all my Dutch friends have called their children Hugh, Seth, Emily, Sophie, Beno and Alex. I assume they work ok for their Dutch relatives but they live in the UK and work here too.
Thanks Snowbee,

I do like Seth a lot actually, will try to get Ethan past DH again and add Seth to the list.

We won't decide till the day the little one is born (also not finding out sex untill then hopefully).
The name thing started when we decided to start trying and considdering there are like no names we agree on it is about time to get some help and have a maybe list.
Just realised that reads like they have a lot of children! We have several Dutch friends and that is all their children combined lol.

I also really like Seth, it has already been used in my family though and so that rules it out for me.

We also started taking about names, even before ttc. Despite that we still don't have any kind of short list, just a massive list of names we don't like or can't use for some reason! I think it is useful to discuss a lot in advance as then you know if you still like the name or if it is just a bit of a phase.
haha I actually did not even read it like that, would make a lot of kids.

And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one spending this long on thinking about names. Makes total sense about making sure it is not a name that you just like for a few months either but will last forever.

Just remembered a girls name that has been on our possible list for a long time now: Ellodie
We also have a weird boys name we like (probably going to be a middle name): Jericho
A few names I've heard that are quite original (for now at least)

girls - Meryn, Laurel, Aubrey, Audrey
boys - Addison (I'm rubbish with boys names sorry)

We decided on our names 15 years ago geez it's been a long time but Erin will finally be used lol. Now we are considering willow Darla faith and Drusilla lol. Doh curse buffy the vampire slayer :wall:
Thank Holly,
I love Audrey bur DH doesn't :( I do really like Meryn, but it does not quite work in dutch as is used as a boys name.
I'll never get addison past DH.
Guess I'm the other way around. we have a couple of maybe's on our list for boys, but nothing for girls.

lol Eryinera, we all have our series with names...
I love Logan and Lorelai (scream Gilmoure Girls) and DH expects me to come up with a huge range of Harry Potter Names (so far have avoided them). and of course we all love Buffy! hello Cordelia ^^
I also love Erin, always have, to bad it is already in the family and thus out of the question...

We are actually seriousely considdering Bram for a boy. Yes it is used in the family, but it is such a really dutch name and I just love it in english even more. It is just also the name of my Mom's brother (he died when he was 8 before my mom was born) and my cousins son is named Bram as well. Anyone think that it is to much to use the name again? Now if it was a cousin I'd never see or was not close with I would have no hesitation, but unfortunately they are the part of the family we are close with.
We are actually seriousely considdering Bram for a boy. Yes it is used in the family, but it is such a really dutch name and I just love it in english even more. It is just also the name of my Mom's brother (he died when he was 8 before my mom was born) and my cousins son is named Bram as well. Anyone think that it is to much to use the name again? Now if it was a cousin I'd never see or was not close with I would have no hesitation, but unfortunately they are the part of the family we are close with.

I think that would be a nice way to honour your uncle. Your cousin (if on your mums side) probably had a similar idea if not on your mum's side then Def go for it as it's got added special meaning to you and your mum.
I like the Biblical, ancient greek name Gedeon

I love old names from greek and things like that as well, but DH often finds it to posh or long names he hates. I have been trying him to start liking gidion, alistair or theodore with no luck and apperantly arthur is a no go either for some nickname thing I really do not understand.

We probably will not use Bram. as much as DH loves it, I still haev this tale on my head from my granmothers heritage about how where she is from no one is allowed the same name in the family, which is why she ended up being called Hela, instead of Vera which her mom was set on but got stolen away by a cousin after she told her. Does not help DH has a large family with i dunno how many cousins, but i told him, unless i have met them it does not count, or we could throw all common names out of the window withouth doubt.

Currently really set on Elijah Jericho for a boy and Ellodie Julia for a girl.
This way DH can use his nickname Eli and I'm happy as well.
Of course this will change many a time before we have a little one, lol.
Like he loves Eli for a boy and although I really ike it, it is a typical girls name in the netherlands, but when I suggest using elijah it is a big no again. And if we ever like a name it is already used in the family :(

He could be Elijah on the birth certificate and called elijah in front of your family, but just call him Eli in the UK / at home? Then you both win.
I know, Elijah is way up there, but currently both in love with Logan again, so 50/50
Stil ages to go till decision day haha not even pregnant
Logan is lovely and probably the name I would choose if we were having a boy x and despite having Erin picked for 15 years we at now leaning more towards Anya so there's always time to change your mind lol

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