Help with my coursework please? Few questions....


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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At the minute, I am studying people's attitudes, barriers and motivation to exercise and fitness.

If you could please spend a minute answering the following questions for me, I would be very grateful! You don't need to have ever done any exercise to answer :)

1. Please list as many barriers to physical activity that affect you under the following headings(you don't have to use all the headings):




Motivational Time/availability

2. What benefits do you think exercise could give you? Please list under the following headings:




Thank you so much girls :kiss:
1. Please list as many barriers to physical activity that affect you under the following headings(you don't have to use all the headings):

Physical: None - I am lucky although as the months go on my pregnancy will affect my ability to do most exercises that I enjoy.

Emotional: None that I can think of; perhaps when I am feeling sad or upset I dont want to exercise but when Im upbeat and happy then Im more likely to exercise, even though exercise improves your mood.

Psychological: The old adege - Ill do it tomorrow, procrastinating - not sure if that comes under psychological.

Motivational Time/availability: Since having children I find it more difficult to go whenever I want and my choices have been limited. I am more motivated to exercise when I need to lose weight.

2. What benefits do you think exercise could give you? Please list under the following headings:

Social: Meeting new people and making new friends

Physical: Improved fitness and sexier legs

Psychological: Improved mood and mental health - feeling better about myself :)
Just started replying but I now have a hungry boy... will be back later!
1. Please list as many barriers to physical activity that affect you under the following headings(you don't have to use all the headings):


I'm unfit, i know i have to do exercise to get fit but i feel to unfil for exercise


I am embarrased of my body and son't feel comfortable exercising in public


I suffer panic attacks and often feel like people are looking at me thinking i am fat and unfit when i am in the gym
Motivational Time/availability

As a busy mother working full time i don't have time to fit in exercise. By the time the kids are in bed and the chores are done, i just want to relax

2. What benefits do you think exercise could give you? Please list under the following headings:


If i exercised and looked better i would probably go on more nights out with my friends, therefore get out more.


I would find it easier walking to the shops and up stairs with the kids if i was fitter. Also i could play football with the kids without running out of breath so quickly.


Maybe if i looked better because of exercise, my anxiety could get better as i wouldn't feel as though people were mocking me

Hope that helps hun xx
One more question:

If anyone currently doesn't exercise, what would motivate you to start?
Toonlass, that's a big help thanks :hug:
One more question:

If anyone currently doesn't exercise, what would motivate you to start?

Well at the moment i am pregnant so thats why i don't exercise but once i have had the baby i think a goal to aim for would help motivate me.

I am going on holiday 4 months after my due date so i'm hoping thats gonna be the kick up the ass i need.

Also a gym with child care facilities would be awesome xx
1. Please list as many barriers to physical activity that affect you under the following headings(you don't have to use all the headings):

i have arthritis in my knees,wrists and one ankle (this ankle is also extremely weak since i broke it 2 years ago). i also have asthma.

if i am tired or had a bad day i never want to exercise, i also dont feel comfortable exercising in a 'class' but im ok in the gym where i am doing my own thing seperate from other people.

if i am around other people who are fitter/thinner than me when exercising i feel very self-concious

Motivational Time/availability

if i make the time and im not rushing then i focus better than if im looking at my watch or worrying about what i have to do after ive finished. its hard to make time to exercise away from the house because my husbands pager could go off any time and in the summer its pretty much constently going off

2. What benefits do you think exercise could give you? Please list under the following headings:

when i go to the gym i see people who are there all the time and we always talk/have a laugh.. which makes it fun.

i always feel better (feel i look thinner) when i go to the gym but i dont do measurements so i dont know how true that is.

as mentioned above i always 'feel' thinner therfor i feel happier about myself and the way i look.
1. Please list as many barriers to physical activity that affect you under the following headings(you don't have to use all the headings):

Physical i've got hypermobile joints in my legs, my knees, ankles and big toes are the worst! so high impact stuff is out really for me. running's always been a big no-no. if i go to the gym, it has to be things like cross trainers rather than treadmills! plus i never wear a supportive bra to exercise and i get sore boobs! and i dont like how the fat on my bum wobbles :rofl:

Emotional this is kinda emotional and psychological, but if i'm in a sh*t mood, or feelin down about my weight then i dont really want to exercise cos i feel reet fat and unfit!


Motivational Time/availability
i never really get any time! so the only exercise i get to do is at home, and usually stuff that isnt too rigorous so i can stop and see to the girls when needed to! stuff that involves them too is good!

2. What benefits do you think exercise could give you? Please list under the following headings:

Social when i used to go to the gym, i went with a friend and we used to chat and stuff all the time and check out the hot guys in the pool/jacuzzi/sauna ;) i'd love to get the time to go to classes and meet people that way

Physical i'd tone up a lot more, and it'd help the weight drop off a bit better, atm i'm losing 1-2lb a week, but when i do proper exercise it drops off proper quick!

Psychological if i were to lose weight, i'd be more confident, plus you get all the endorphins and whatnot from exercising, which make you feel fab!!

and motivation to start - i do as much as i can now, but if i had the time to, i defo would do more!! hopefully will be getting a full cardiovascular workout this weekend tho ;)
1. Please list as many barriers to physical activity that affect you under the following headings(you don't have to use all the headings):

Physical - None

Emotional -
If I'm not happy (which to be honest isn't very often) I have no motivation to get up and exercise, even knowing that it would help

Psychological -
I think one of the main things that stops me is knowing that it will take a lot of work before I start noticing any results in fitness/weight

Motivational Time/availability
- By the time the boys are in bed I'm far too tired to get up and exercise (and I have everything I didn't find time to do during the day still to do), and other than walking with the boys or running around at the park there isn't much I can do while I have the boys with me

2. What benefits do you think exercise could give you? Please list under the following headings:

Social - time for me with my friends when I can be myself rather than just a mum. I used to go to the gym or do yoga with friends a few times a week after work and really enjoyed it (they also gave me the motivation to go)

Physical -
I'd love to get my body back to - or close to - the way it looked before I had kids and stopped exercising regularly

- Exercising in the past has hugely improved the way I feel about myself, both because I think I look better and because I feel healthier
1. Please list as many barriers to physical activity that affect you under the following headings(you don't have to use all the headings):

Physical - no physical barrier. I used to exercise regularly and run half marathons, yoga twice a day and cycle to college/work and so I still have a reasonable level of fitness. The barrier at the moment is time.

Emotional - if i do take out time to exercise I feel guilty that I am not working and feel my responsibility is to my work.

Psychological - no psychological barrier

Motivational Time/availability - i have a hectic job and often when I have plans to do exercise I have to cancel as I have to work on something.

2. What benefits do you think exercise could give you? Please list under the following headings:

Social - exercise is definitely a great way to socialise. Many of my friends are fitness mad and it would allow us to meet up more, albeit in lycra!

Physical - i used to be a model and I would feel more confident about my body if i was still as toned. I'd also have a lot my energy and not have to rely so heavily on caffeine.
1. Please list as many barriers to physical activity that affect you under the following headings(you don't have to use all the headings):

Physical - i have no barriers i exercise 5 times a week

Emotional -none

Psychological -none

Motivational Time/availability - none my LO joins inmost of the time or if she doesn't she is usually playing with her dolls!

2. What benefits do you think exercise could give you? Please list under the following headings:

Social - if i look better then i go out more

Physical - flatter tum and sexier legs !

Psychological - you just feel better when you look better. have more confidence and feel sexier!


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