Help, which is day 1????


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2008
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Basically my AF this month started on day 27 of my cycle. I started bleeding in the morning (Sunday) but really didnt need to use a towel until the next day (Monday), sorry if tmi! The only thing is is that now Im confused as to which day to count as day 1. I wasnt going to ask as feel a bit thick and there has been similar questions posted recently its just that now Im on day 9/10? Im scared of missing ov by miscounting my cycle days.

The other thing I wanted to ask (sorry for going on) is how often are you supposed to BD for it to be most effective. Ive read one book that said everyday and another that said its better to do it every other day so that dh can restore his supplies :wall:

God I cant believe how paranoid Ive become, I wasnt nearly this bad with my first son!!! I hope I get a BFP soon or I might just lose the plot completely :rotfl:
day 27.

and everyday if your oh's sperm is fine, every other day if he has lower sperm count.
it's usually fertility docs that say every other day and thats cos they are usually telling that to people with fertility probs.
I would say as long as you hit ov day or the day before then that should be enough!
i'm in the same sort of situation- very light bleeding yesterday- no need to use anything- heavy today. all i can say is when inputting the information on my chart fertility friend counted yesterday (very light) as day 1. anybody else know?
ditto question about how often is best would love to know how often people with bfps were at it!!! :lol:
I would count the day as cd1 even if i started 11.30 at night. You wont be far wrong if you count first day of any sign at all.

My advice is start bd as soon as your af is over, first sign of ewcm or in my case mainly, when i felt up for it, get bd as and when. if you dont know when you ovulate seriously consider charting to find out, could save you alot of months disappointments as you might be well off with estimating it. If you know when you ovualte bd as much as you can around that day and either side of it.
Thanks for your feedback, my poor dh. One day Im dragging him off to bed every chance we get, the next Im pushing him off telling him we have to pace it out every other day lol!

If we dont get a BFP this month Ill definately give charting a go in December I think.

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