HELP! What is this?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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I keep thinking that Maddison is teething as she is waking up through the night, dribbling loads (she soaks her clothes) and she has gone off her food a bit too. Thing is, I keep looking at her gums but they dont seem any different. If it was teething would I not be able to see or feel something? I dont know if maybe she is unwell and I'm just assuming its teething :? She is so clingy to me at mo, she wont let anyone else feed her and no longer lets her Dad put her down at night, she just screams til I go to her. What could this be? :hug:
Thats what Leif has been like and he is teething. It may be that her teeth are moving around under her gums getting ready to come through the gums. Or maybe its a growth spurt, sometimes they can get a bit mooy then to, although Leif used to eat more then.
were having teething too Jules and we have not even got tooth buds yet! her gums are just moving about and uncomfoirtable and its just calpol and cuddles and lots of clean tops at the moment!

One day youl look and just notice them in her gums!
Ryans got 2 teeth now but he has his good and bad days and though I can't see or feel them I know another couple are coming through. If you think its teething it probably is :)

Calpol/teething gel should do the trick x
No I cant see anything, her gums just look bumpy :?

Thanks for replies girls, guess this could be a long process, I better stock up on Bonjela :hug:
Anything is worth a try if it helps. My poor wee girl just whines all the time and tries to eat her bibs to try ease the pain. I wish I could take it away for her :(

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