
Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
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not sure where to put this but i need help and quick

Ok Colby got a pair of pj's from OH's mum and ive stained them :cry:
I put them on colby yesterday and she was eating a banana, see when a banana is opend and goes black after a while, well she pulled her bib off and got it all over her new PJ's and i cant get the stains out :shock:

Ive washed them 3 times so far and its not budging at all.
I washed them with just normal persil non bio, then washed them with biologial powder with some vanish in it and its still their
Now ive got them in again with bleech :shock: i just hope it doesnt burn them but i only used a small amount.

can anyone recomend anything else to take the stains out if i havent ruined them

thanks in advance
:hug: xxxxx
:shhh: do you know where they come from? cause you could get some more
i havent a clue wher she bought them :cry: she takes the labels off things so we dont know how much they cost but knowing his mum she prob got them from somewher expensive :wall: :wall:
washing up liquid is quite good, rub it into the stain and then wash it?

May work?
ok im having a nightmare, the bleech was a bad idea ive now got loads of foam coming out the drawer of the washing machine :shock: :shock:

maybe that little bit of bleech was too much :wall: :wall:
Sorry hun - banana is about the only thing I can't get out either. If you find something that works PLEASE let me know!

Good luck

the bleech didnt work anyway i thought that would be th eone thing that would work but it didnt, just made the black stains go brown, now it looks like poo :shock:

im just going to bin them his mum is never up late anyway so she will never see them on her :lol:
just feel rotten though as she only had them on once :(

do yous think i would be classed as dirty if i kept them and just put them on her for bed? they have been washed serveral times now i dunno what to do :?
I found this, no idea if it will help though. Good luck!

The only stain I have to treat differently is banana. Once the black splotches appear the only thing I have found that works is Oxiclean (available at Bed, Bath, and Beyond) rubbed directly into the spot. I don't think that is a recommended use method, but it has saved a couple of tops that I would have had to toss otherwise. Good luck! Kimberly ... tains.html
i never thought of that and even better pondland sell it, will be getting some tomorrow

thanks for that :D

take a photo of the jammies and we can all see what they are like, maybe someone will know where they are from and you can cheat!! By the way, these are probably the cleanest jammies in the world at the moment as you have washed them three times so I wouldn't worry about putting them on her!
they are in the tumble dryer at the mo will take a pic in about 20 mins once they finnish, knowing my luck they are cheap crap and maybe thast why she takes the labels off :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

will post soon, infact will take a pic now
ok will be about 20 mins for a pic stupid batteries are dead in teh camers :wall: :wall: just hope 20 mins will do it i only need one
can you tell :lol:

ok camera is pants, right the jammie bottoms are white with baby blue dots on them and the top is white witha wee pocket that says cosy with a baby blue and yellow line and on the right hand side its a fluffy bunny with the word cool in baby colours, blue green yellow and pink

and underneath that its 3 wee blocks that say nice and cosy in each box

sorry if thats no help just having a wonderfull night :lol:
please excuse the state of my sofa its worse than the pj's :oops:

they're cute!! i had a look on all the obvious websites but I couldn't see them! I don't think the stain matters though!
im gona try that oxi stuff tomorrow see if that does the tick if not then no one is going to see her with them on exceot me OH and Adele just annoyed the stain wont come out :roll:

thanks anyway everyone for your help

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