help, suggestions needed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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We are all sick excpet for Bernie Kiara being the least with just a runny nose and fussy.
I have body aches, chills, headache, nausia, runny nose.... everything but a fever....
Kadyn keeps caughing and has a runny nose and is so irritable :( his first time being sick,
But here in Canada they have taken all the cold meds for infants off the shelf for good because of overdosing and it not being safe for infants :? so now i do not know what to do for him he is so ill and i need some suggestions on anything that might help him.

Im so tired only had 2 hours sleep cuz i was so sore, and i could deal if it was just Kadyn sick but its all 3 of us and everytime i get up i feel like im gonna :puke: and get really dizzy i almost fell over with Kadyn in my arms :(

I know your not all doctors but any suggestions would be appreciated.

I would try to steam Kayden - take him into the bathroom with you... Can you get him some of the Menthol Bubble Bath - I think it is Gerber that make it here in the US as I bought some for Arianna as she had the sniffles. Will he drink warm water from a bottle?

For yourself, make sure you have plenty hot drinks and as much rest as you can (I know that is difficult, when you have sick little ones), buy some cold and flu things from the pharmacy for yourself too.

Hope you all feel better soon

Thanks hun will try and do the steam thing, never heard of that bubble bath ill see if bernie can run out when he gets home from work.
I dont want to give him water ( just a personal choice)
as for me ive been taking regualr pain relievers for my aches and pains its help a little .

Thnaks again xxx
The bubble bath I have is Gerber Grins & Giggles Vapor Bath - Mild & Gental Menthol.

Hope you find it
Could you try putting some Karvol - capsules with a gentle menthol oil in - on his pillow, or on a handkerchief tied to his crib? Not sure what it would be called in Canada but i'm sure they'd have something similar. If you are worried about him you could take him to see the doctor.

Hope you feel better :hug:

thanks girls!!! ill go see the doc tom if we dont feel better i managed a 3 hour nap today so got some rest .

We are all sick excpet for Bernie Kiara being the least with just a runny nose and fussy.
I have body aches, chills, headache, nausia, runny nose.... everything but a fever....
Kadyn keeps caughing and has a runny nose and is so irritable :( his first time being sick,
But here in Canada they have taken all the cold meds for infants off the shelf for good because of overdosing and it not being safe for infants :? so now i do not know what to do for him he is so ill and i need some suggestions on anything that might help him.

Im so tired only had 2 hours sleep cuz i was so sore, and i could deal if it was just Kadyn sick but its all 3 of us and everytime i get up i feel like im gonna :puke: and get really dizzy i almost fell over with Kadyn in my arms :(

I know your not all doctors but any suggestions would be appreciated.

I would try to steam Kayden - take him into the bathroom with you... Can you get him some of the Menthol Bubble Bath - I think it is Gerber that make it here in the US as I bought some for Arianna as she had the sniffles. Will he drink warm water from a bottle?

For yourself, make sure you have plenty hot drinks and as much rest as you can (I know that is difficult, when you have sick little ones), buy some cold and flu things from the pharmacy for yourself too.

Hope you all feel better soon

Thanks hun will try and do the steam thing, never heard of that bubble bath ill see if bernie can run out when he gets home from work.
I dont want to give him water ( just a personal choice)
as for me ive been taking regualr pain relievers for my aches and pains its help a little .

Thnaks again xxx
The bubble bath I have is Gerber Grins & Giggles Vapor Bath - Mild & Gental Menthol.

Hope you find it
Could you try putting some Karvol - capsules with a gentle menthol oil in - on his pillow, or on a handkerchief tied to his crib? Not sure what it would be called in Canada but i'm sure they'd have something similar. If you are worried about him you could take him to see the doctor.

Hope you feel better :hug:

thanks girls!!! ill go see the doc tom if we dont feel better i managed a 3 hour nap today so got some rest .

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