HELP!!! Redundancy and Mat pay


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
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Hey ladies,

A long shot but wondered if any of you have been in the same situation??

Basically, I work for Jane Norman and as some of you may know it has gone into administration. Today some of the stores were bought by a new company and a few concessions (in Debenhams and Beales) are in a "transitional period". My concession is included in this, the new company are trying to make a deal with the host stores about costs of rent etc but if they cant agree on anything they will shut these concessions down meaning the staff will be made redundant. So at the min we have no idea as to where we stand. I'm due to start 3 weeks holiday in just over 2 weeks then my mat leave would start at a rate of 90% for 6 weeks after this followed by SMP of £129. I was just wondering if anyone knows what I would be entitled to if I wasto made redundant? As we are counting on my holiday pay etc

Also to add fuel the fire! We wont be getting paid on Thursday so have no money for travel, food, bills, rent etc! let alone providing for my baby boy!! :sad:

So stressed!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry to hear this. stress you dont need. But, if you have worked enough weeks over the last 2 or 3 years, then you will get maternity allowance not stat mat pay if there is no
Company to pay it. MA is the same as SMP. Not sure about your holiday. Depending on how long you have worked for the
Company you will get a redundancy payout. Sorry I
Couldn't be more help! x
As long as you have worked there 26 weeks by your 25th week of pregnancy you are still due your stat mat allowance.

I was made redundant also and I was paid my sma in a lump sum. Hope this helps! X
you can find a lot of info on the direct gov website . . . i'm kind of in a similar situation, the company i work for had decided to close, they have given us a closure of company date but the store concession stands will all be closing at different times and so i have to wait to be told when this is ect, i have 2 weeks holiday starting in a week and then my mat leave starts!

all i know for defiant is that you should recive one weeks pay for every year you have worked for the company!

but that is a really helpful site! ^^^ (direct gov)
It's the government who pay your stat mat pay x

Yes the company have to pay 6% of it I think. But to count as stat mat pay it has to o through a company. It's silly really bc MA is the same amount just a different name.
I've put a message on your Facebook hon but I'm pretty sure you will get the 6 weeks 90% and then the weekly £129 as that is all part of the maternity allowance paid by the gov, as long as you have been in work for so many weeks, so the only thing you might not get is the holiday pay, defo check out the government website that spice has posted because that's where I read about it.
Can't believe they won't pay you for what you have worked? Are you still ok to get to the hospital for your gtt tomorrow? Maybe if you rang the bank they might temporarily extend your overdraft to help you meet your bills until you know if the new company will pay you?
your redundancy pay will depend on how long you have worked for company. If the company no longer exists and you have worked 26 weeks by 25th week of your pregnancy then you will be entitled to maternity pay which the government will pay you in absence of an employer.

Not sure about your holiday pay but I would imagine that the buying company will have to honour this as I would expect that the trade union will ensure this is the case
Thanks ladies for your replies! Still no news as to whether we still have jobs or not. Was told on weds we would receive letters by friday. Friday has come and gone, spoke to someone last night and the letters were never even sent! From what i have gathered, i will lose out on my 3 weeks holiday as not entitled to it anymore but will still be able to claim my mat pay/allowance. Still no wages for june though, so bank charges etc to come in due course. its disgusting that we have no money to feed ourselves yet we are expected to still continue to travel to work and provide good customer service!
That is appalling, there should be a law that stops companies from being able to go into administration without paying their staff, I think its awful that you just lose all your rights overnight but still have to keep working, there should be something in place to protect staff and honour their wages worked and holiday earned. Are the takeover company definately making you redundant or is there a hope they will keep you all on?

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