HELP! New daddy pack!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Hi! :wave:

Hoping you ladies can give me some inspiration here!

When Sam is born, I want to give his daddy a present from him...

looking to spend between £50-£75 and only have afew weeks to get sorted just incase...

Basically what I'm looking to do is make him a box full of new daddy goodies.... thought it could be a good idea...any ideas what I can put in there?

Can be practical,quirky,fun...anything!

Thak you in advance :D
This is an excellent idea and something I want to do too:

I'm unsure yet whether I want to make a box of goodies, i.e. perhaps a little t-shirt or socks with 'Daddy' on them or something more keepsakeable like a watch or a special chain or trinket box etc. I'm still thinking and thankfully have about 3 months to think before I'll need to shop/wrap/pack it!

So you could go for an engraved keepsake, watch, clock, ring, or something special relating to what Daddy likes, related to a hobby etc or fill a box with little things like a mug, socks, a CD or book for new dads.

Do let me know what you think of/find as it's something I'm going to be doing too.

Nicola x
aww! thats a lovely idea!

Adam got perfect daddy socks for xmas!

if i think of anything i will post later
aww thats a great idea
wen i had B we brought grandad some whisky, nanny tina tuner CD and auntie manda a manicure set
You can get some photo frames with Daddy's little soldier/princess on them from mothercare.

Also you can get quirky books from the likes of Ottakars etc.
Also the does gift sets that do matching t-shirts for baby and daddy
Thank you so much ladies,love the Haynes manual!

Please keep the ideas coming! :cheer:
we have the haynes manual its actually very informative and a good laugh. i recommend it x

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