Help need to boost my breast milk


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2008
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I have been very ill over the past week with the horrible viral stomach bug thats going round and wasn't able to feed Temperance from my breast.
I was expressing the first day and feeding from a bottle and then goiving her formula cos I couldn't stay with her long enough to BF her.
Only thing is now I don't seem to have any milk to feed her now that I'm well again.
I've been drinking loads of water and cordial while I was ill so I didn't end up dehydrated, and I'm still doing that now, I started eating again yesterday but I don't have any milk.
Does this mean the end of my BF? Or can I boost my supply to carry on?
I have been offering the boob each feed yesterday and today before having to give her frozen expressed milk or formula.

Any help is highly appreciated!

Thanks girlies!

Hayley xx
i dont think its an end to your milk. just keep puting LO to the breast at each feed, she may get frustrated at the lack of milk, but its REALLY important to have the skin to skin contact and get your brain thinking she's feeding.

we've just been ill at our house too and also on some horrid diet of no food as my LO seems to be alergic to something. well, my milk seems to have been very low, and india is wanting to feed every hour at night cuz she's not getting satisfied. well, ive been just going along with her demands, and today, my milk is back. its only taken like 3/4days.

Stick with it hun :hug:
Oats are great for boosting your supply, or you can take fenugreek - the best thing to do is just keep offering her the boob, as often as you can. Even if she's not particularly hungry I'd try to encourage her to suck as often as possible, even if only for a few mintues, and offer her both boobs at each feed.
I would definitely diagnose 24/48 hours of 'bedding in'. If you can, I'd take to bed for the next day or two with your LO, take lots of drinks and snacks, magazines, books and DVDs, give your LO lots of skin to skin and let her feed as much as she likes with free access to the breast.

This has worked really successfully for lots of people.

I'd also cut the formula and expressed milk and only offer the breast for feeds. I know this sounds brutal, but she'll soon realise that the only milk available comes from you.

Valentine Xxx
Thanks for the advice girlies, you guys rock!

I've had a little success this morning with my right boob having some milk in it, but it's agony both to touch, for Tempy to suck on and just sitting in my bra :(. I hope it's not a blocked duct.....

valentine said:
I would definitely diagnose 24/48 hours of 'bedding in'. If you can, I'd take to bed for the next day or two with your LO, take lots of drinks and snacks, magazines, books and DVDs, give your LO lots of skin to skin and let her feed as much as she likes with free access to the breast.

This has worked really successfully for lots of people.

I'd also cut the formula and expressed milk and only offer the breast for feeds. I know this sounds brutal, but she'll soon realise that the only milk available comes from you.

Valentine Xxx

Valentine, as far as I'd love to do this, I actually can't as I have a 3 year old and a dog that need looking after, so I can't go staying in bed for 24/48 hours. I do understand the principles of the idea though and I will let her use me as a dummy for the next few days instead, I think that would work the same way..... :think:

Hayley xx
hanti-boo said:
Valentine, as far as I'd love to do this, I actually can't as I have a 3 year old and a dog that need looking after, so I can't go staying in bed for 24/48 hours. I do understand the principles of the idea though and I will let her use me as a dummy for the next few days instead, I think that would work the same way..... :think:

Sorry hun, I missed that fact! Maybe a bit of co-sleeping overnight instead?

Good luck!

Do you have a sling? Would it be possible to perhaps sling her in the day so she has as much access to the boob as possible and then co-sleep as Valentine said at night? Good luck :hug:
Just thought I would throw this into the mix - I was advised to drink Guinness by my HV as apparently lack of iron can cause your milk to decrease - I was worried about this a few weeks ago.

Years ago they used to take Guiness around the wards apparently and give it to new mums - I quite like it and so have been enjoying a glass and also trying to eat lots of spinach and more red meat too.

Good Luck!
It is completely possible for you to regain your supply.

Sadly, it takes longer to increase your supply than it does to decrease it. If you haven't been bf for a week I expect it will take a couple of weeks to get things how they were. So for this time LO will probably have to feed very often to get what they need and this will build your supply.

Good luck!
Thanks for the advice girls.

I'm gonna try to put her in the sling later - I need to go find it first!!

Guiness - well any excuse for a drink!!!!

I'm offering Tempy to the boob as often as I can which is starting to help as I'm starting to feel like I'm filling up :cheer:

I co-slept for 4 hours last night so she could suck all she wanted but she just fell asleep and didn't wake up til 7am this morning.

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