Help me get rid of my mice PLEASE!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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I have been trying for 3 months now.... they go for a few weeks then come back!!! I am so bloody scared of them and I get sooo angry when i see one.

First i had one of them plug things... its didnt work at all
Second was poison boxes but they didnt work
Lastly and still using .... poison in trays.

Why are they still coming back!!!

I have also blocked any holes i can find and they make new ones?!!??!!

:( :evil:

Someone said the council can help, does anyone know if this is true? xxx
omg hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

id have packed me bags n left haha
i think the council should help hun worth a try
My mum had mice once and the council did send the pest control people round but the put down the boxes with the poison in!

My dad bought a couple of mouse traps and put them down (they where grtting in throught the kitchen) and put chocolate on it and he caught about 12 in one night! It was the whole family i think!

My mum was terrified of them too! horrible things hope you get it sorted before your new baby comes
The council should help, do mention to them what you've already tried to get rid of them & they will do other things, also emphasise how long this has been going on for and that you have a small child and one on the way, you will be priority then!
We had them last year and the council gave us some poisen to put down. Luckily for us it worked first time but the council said they would help in other ways if that didn't work. They said they gave you so many weeks or something and if it didn't work they would come in and do it.
trixipaws said:
get a cat :)

I've got two you can have...they haven't been too successful at removing our birds the wall problem though.. :roll:
we had some a couple years ago. my father in law to be put digestive biscuit down , they went o get and ping got attacked by the mousetrap. dead. one was cut in half :puke: we got all eventually. i heard them like a few weeks before and told his parents that there was mice or something cause we was in the loft room and i heard carried bags being rattled. my partner and me was in bed and it weren't us.his dad denied there being mice in bungalow and i said i know what i heard. then he put some poison down and one of the cats in the road got ill, was actually next doors cat so they stopped using it and got mouse traps in used the biscuits worked.

if my cat were here hed just be playing with it for ages. when we lived at my nans house my cat would bring one in and play with it for hours lol so we would set it free. he also brought a bird in once so mum set it free was alive still :) i set a mouse free once. my cat werent impressed with me but he woke me up lol
thanks for your replies girls. I will get onto the council xxxx
Hey seriously you wanna borrow my cat? shes a vicous killer and mice are her speciality, shes a pro - you may borrow her!

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