Help me choose for my tat!


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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Its gonna be a while before i get it done...

BUt i need help in choosing the font for the writing...

The tatto is gonna be like this:


But instead of love im having ellouise...

Which of these fonts do you think would look best.. there all quite similar.. except a couple.. but which do you reckon?


Or other? find a better one and post please ;)

Also, for the butterfly, would you have the wings coloured in or left as just outline? If coloured in what colour would you say?

Its going to be roughly

half the size of a credit card maybe a lil bit bigger...
i like no 7. thats going to look lovely lozzi. i have a butterfly on my right arm and its wings are purpley blue, but you are such a pink person aren't you? could you have them pink??

where on your body are you going to have it?
i like no 1 if you had it all colourful say pink and purple or something. i voted 5.
rusks said:
where on your body are you going to have it?

Im thinking inner or outer ankle/heel if that makes sense lol
Number 7 - not sure why, it just stands out from the others.
I chose 2 :)

I think coloured on your ankle would look great! Pink is a great colour..
1 & 6 will over time blur and look pretty naff.
you know we were speaking on msn... i selected the bottom option and these are some suggestions :rotfl:

i liked 7 and 8
but 7 stood out better...

when I had my girls names done, i had them done freehand, and everyone always comments on them..
Im REALLY torn... I did love my first tat design... but the veyr talented paradysso has designed me this:


isnt it fab!!!!

THanks hun..

What do you ladies reckon... go for the funky number above, or my original idea...

and i cant do both unfortunatly lol :(
I adore font no 7, all swirly and girly and would look fab with the design! :D

ETA: just seen the above - I LOVE IT! :D :D

i like 2 or 6

Oooo i like the new addition now too :think:

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