Help...has anyone?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Has anyone been so sure that you were pg and found out that you were not? How do you deal with the disappointment?

I am 10dpo and will do ehpt on Tuesday. I have had building symptoms from mild AF cramping at 2-5dpo, to tiredness 5-10 dpo, very sore bb 3 -10dpo, heartburn 6-10dpo, loss of appetite except for tomato soup and eggs and today doing bd with dh very cream like, thick CM, (sorry tmi). I am absolutely convinced that I am pregnant. What if it comes back neg? Not sure how it could, but I think I will need to see a dr to figure out how I feel this way....

any one else ever go through this?

this ttc thing can make someone nuts.... :?
guess i am a little nuts if I am the only one... :wink:

broke down and took one this am....BFN...hope it is too early..... :pray:
I think everyone feels like that sometimes! Your not the only one :lol:

Aww hope it is too early hun and you get a BFP! :hug:
Nightmare isnt it! I've just started TTC and for weeks I had what I thought were all the symptoms: excessive wind, cramping constantly, odd taste in mouth, you name it. AF came a few days late over Easter and I was so shocked / disappointed.

But now, thanks to this forum I know that the mind plays mean tricks and have resolved (yeah right) to try and be more chilled out. :roll:

Anyway I focussed on reminding myself it is nature's will and I do have a wonderful hubby.

Good luck hun
Thanks for the support. The mind does play crazy tricks. My heart goes out to all of you women who have been trying for many months or years. I can see where it could become so difficult to stay positive. It is so great to have this support community. :angel:
:wave: hi

Good Luck when you test again, When I got my bfp back in oct I was 14 dpo so hopefully you just tested to early.

Sending you babydust. :hug: :hug:
I was just like you last month. I could have sworn I was pregnant but af arrived late. I think it's just your body playing tricks on you. I've found the more I think about it the more symptoms I find. I'm in the 2ww now and trying not to go as crazy as last month. Will just wait and see what happens. Don't beat yourself up if your af does arrive though. It just takes time, annoying though.

This has happened to me too :(

You're in my thoughts and I know we'll get our BFP soon!

Love Polly xxx
Thanks girls! Gonna try one more tomorrow. It will be 3-4 days before I expect AF. We shall see! Good luck to all in ww! :hug:
Hope you get your BFP hun
last month i had loads and loads of symptons i was convinced i was pg i had faint lines on tests and i was late for AF

It turned out AF came in full flow

I had 1 day of disappointment but I thought bugger it and since then i have been so so positive this month, just looking after me now and not thinking too much about TTC.

It does sound soo so promising for you hun, keep thiking positive and cross your fingers :hug:
Just looked at my fertility monitor and it is blinking the m at me which means that AF should be few days away. Now all those symptoms seem to be going away a little. Had some major pinching in my pelvic region last night, BB are less sore but still swollen. Still a little loss of appetite. I am definitely testing again tomorrow because DH is going OOT Thursday for the weekend and I could not keep it to myself if I found out while he was gone...I would not want to tell him on the way.

Is it possible for symptoms to just come and go like that?

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