Hello, new to 1st Tri


Active Member
Jul 4, 2007
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Hi everyone, new to 1st Tri, not sure exactly how far gone I am!! Did a preg test 2 weeks ago negative and then did one by off chance yesterday after almost coming to terms that I must of had an anovulatory cycle while also using opk. So as you can imagine I am over the moon as is DH!! 1st Cycle day was 16 June!! Think I am between 4 & 6 weeks, cant wait to get the 1st scan over and done with so I can relax!!

I have not many symptoms, just a particular sore left booby (anyone else hae just one sore booby?) and my lower back is killing (not sure if that a symptom or just my poor posture). Not feeling too tired yet or sick (although as I am off work I have been a lazy so & so, doing as little as poss!!! Trying to talk myself into going out for a wee jog after I do the housework!!

I am super dooper paranoid as my preg test came up with a really faint line and the fact that I dont have many symptoms!! I know I am being silly but cant help it after having a miscarriage 2 years ago and I had no symptoms then.

Anyhows I am really happy to be with you girlies in 1st Tri and it is great to have people to chat to as I am intending not to tell anyone of the news until after the first scan!!

Thanks Midna!! Its early days, I am really scared!! I am so excited (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh) but gonna try not to think about it though as time will go so much slower!!
Congrats - hope you have a happy and health pregnancy. I had very few symptoms too :hug:
Hey Ella where bouts u from?? Im originally from NI as well?? and thanx!! Right back at ya :hug:
ep2895 said:
Hey Ella where bouts u from?? Im originally from NI as well?? and thanx!! Right back at ya :hug:

I live in Belfast - but im originally from cork. Where are you from originally?
Near Newcastle!! I miss home loads not the same living in London!!
Congratulations and welcome to 1st tri :dance:

Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy :cheer:
Do you plan to move back at any stage?? Newcastle is a lovely part of the world - at the foot of the morans, isnt it?
I miss Cork too, but stuck here now, DH would never move :(
aye thats the right place, would love to move back but cant see it happening in the near future!! My hubby is from Plymouth and we have just bought a house down there, so we also have the option of settleing there!!
I got the lower back ache thing too!!

Welcome to first tri ep.

Doesn't the whole dodgey 12 week thing suck? BLAH!!
Breezee we could be but not quite sure if the dates are exact cant wait for 1st scan to find out, whenever that will be!! Have you been to docs yet?? Not sure when to go, was thinking about holding off for a couple of weeks!!
Congrats on your pregnancy! :dance: :dance:

I had a really faint line on my test too so don't worry. As for symptoms everybodys different.

I grew up in Plymouth. I really miss the weather and the beaches

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