Hello Ladies and getting to know you

1)Tell me something that not many people know about you?
I got invited to be a Gladiator on the new series but the trials are this april so i cant take part :doh:

2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
feeling my baby wriggle :D

3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
feeling like someone has inserted a bowling ball in my belly

4) are you exercising? if yes, what?
no i am officially on maternity leave from training since 8 months and i dont feel guilty at all!

5) your favourite holiday destination?
a holiday for me would be actually spending some time at home!!!
BabyMagic said:
1) tell me something that not many people know about you?
2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
4) are you exercising? if yes, what?
5) your favourite holiday destination?

1) not too sure on that one :think:
2) is that it is nearly all over and I will soon have a baby rather than a bump
3) that it should actually have been over 3 days ago and I am still here
4) only exercise I get is walking to and from school with my little boy, which works out at over 4 miles, but haven't been doing it lately as I am too fat :oops:
5) anywhere that is hot, sunny, has a pool, and I don't have to cook, clean, wash or iron :D

Welcome to tri 3 :wave:
gymbabeliz said:
1)Tell me something that not many people know about you?
I got invited to be a Gladiator on the new series but the trials are this april so i cant take part :doh:

That is so cool! :D Shame you couldn't take part, Anjali will more than make up for it though :hug:
1) tell me something that not many people know about you?
Erm... nothing interesting..
Ive kissed Ste Gerrard.. long time ago :bored:

2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
Feeling my baby, getting cute clothes... talking about him...

3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
Ribs 100%!!!

4) are you exercising? if yes, what?
Walk the dog everyday :)

5) your favourite holiday destination?
Gran Caneria :dance:
Welcome to the forum :wave:

1) tell me something that not many people know about you?
I'm a member of the mile high club :oops:

2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
Feeling baby move, wiggle and kick

3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
Carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitus, it makes my wrist movements ache and very stiff when I don't use them for a while. Plus everything is either blue or pink :x

4) are you exercising? if yes, what?
Was swimming but been advised by Dr not to aggravate my wrists with repetitive movements (does that mean I shouldn't type as well???). Been doing a bit of walking instead

5) your favourite holiday destination?
Anywhere abroad, theres only one place I wouldnt go back to and thats the Dom Rep so anywhere but.

Sherlock - great to hear that you are also going for walks. This week I've started to slow down on that front as well. I get out of breath in the same way as if I was jogging! I am determined to do some exercise until I pop though...

xJuliex - I'm jealous. I never tan, I just become a lobster!

Tillytots - you don't look dumb!!! You look very pretty.

AnnaR2B - I hope to see you taking part in X-factor!!!

- oh no! Sorry to hear about your morning sickness in your wedding. It must have been so hot as well!

Sarah2807 - I've been to Maldives (we stayed at Hilton). It was amazing. We had baby shark living under our water villa!

gymbabliz - eek! I wouldn't want to mess around with you (I am certainly not a gladiator material!)

Fifi211 - Hope the baby decides to come out soon.

ifc_sarah - Hope when the baby drops you can have your ribs back.

Charlie - I've been wanting to join the club too but I am afraid of flying. I have told my OH that if he gets us one of those new(?) private cabins I'll be up for it!

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