Hello Ladies and getting to know you


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Hi Everyone,

I am another one who has been reading the forum occassionally. As I'm now on a maternity leave I thought to join the fun! So hello everyone! :wave:

So far, if I've had an issue with my pregnancy, I've found that someone else has already posted a threat about it! So thank you for your advice so far (even though you didn't know that you had helped me out).

I thought it would be fun to get to know you a bit better so perhaps you could answer the questions below:

1) tell me something that not many people know about you?
2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
4) are you exercising? if yes, what?
5) your favourite holiday destination?

My answers would be:
1) I used to be a party animal in my late teens/early twenties (and now live a boring, yet happy, life!)
2) when my OH gets excited about the baby moving and speaks to her!
3) trouble with sleeping due to feeling uncomfortable, I didn't sleep well last night and then had TWO naps today (hence not tired atm and still online!)
4) walking and swimming, pelvic floor, struggling with perineal (oops, don't think that's exercise though!)
5) New Zealand
hello :wave: and welcome to tri3 :D
congrats your pregnancy :dance:

1 i can ski and snowboard and worked abroad as a kids rep in the Swiss and French alps
and i had one hell of a bloody brilliant time out there
the men where HOT :wink: :wink: 8) :lol: and i was one hell of a party animal while out there :cheer:

2 being pregnant watching my james as he strokes my bumps and talks to our son telling him how much he love him.
feeling our son move

3oh the list is endless
heartburn loss of bladder control
collier pressing on my bump and back
collier jumping on my ladybits and making my shout out in the middle of sainburys in pain :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

4 im still working at the mo I am a nursery nurse so the kids keep me active. going for walks in the country side with my james. :D :hug:

5 id LOVE to go back to Verbier Switzerland to snowboard down those mountians agian :sleep: Ah lovely dream win lottery first though
only got the privilage of being there while working
LOVE THE PLACE :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hello.........im sarah!!! :wave: :hug:

1) theres not much not many people know about me as my mother in law from hell makes sure everyone knows everything even things that arent true! typical!
2)the best bit of my pregnancy at the moment is feeling all the kicks and my hubby putting his head on bump and getting a good old kick in the head - was very funny as he jumped!
3)worst bit is the hip pains and aches between my legs not very nice stops me doin much with the day
4)pelvic floor cant do much else due to hip pain - MW said it was sciatica but it is getting worse so need to ask GP about it. i try to walk a bit everyday though as my son goes to pre school so i detour on my way home with my daughter in the buggy so atleast i can lean on the buggy if i need to.
5)my fave holiday destination is mauritius as thats where most of my family on my mums side live. gorgeous beaches but i love the culture and the urban bit!

i think thats about it really. well as you can tell i moan a bit and i tend to go on and on. :lol:
i love having something in common with everyone on this forum. its fab!
Hello! I am glad you decided to come and join us :wave: :wave: :wave:

1) tell me something that not many people know about you?

I LOVE the Eurovision Song Contest. I am also a closet Neighbours fan...people would be surprised at that because I really really hate soap operas (Eastenders, Corrie and the like), but Neighbours is different, a happy, cheesy world of it's own :cheer:

2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

Reaching term today and knowing it isn't going to be too long before I meet my little one :cheer: :cheer:

3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

Getting uncomfortable on the evenings.

4) are you exercising? if yes, what?

I regularly move my arm in a repeated back and forth motion between the fridge and my mouth - does that count? :D

5) your favourite holiday destination?

Thailand without a doubt.
1) tell me something that not many people know about you?
my nipples have quadrupled in size.... lol, now everyone knows!

2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
The fact its almost over, and soon instead of a heavy bump I will have a beautiful baby :)

3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

4) are you exercising? if yes, what?
Yes, walking to and from the fridge.... :rotfl:

5) your favourite holiday destination?
Cyprus- my grandparents live there and its the only place I can go on holiday and come home with more money than I go with.... :roll:
i couldnt think of something not many people know but thats a good one!
mine have doubled in size so not quite as drastic :rotfl:
1) tell me something that not many people know about you?

I have an obsession with fluffy yellow ducks.

2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

Seeing baby wiggle

3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

Heartburn and peeing WAY too often

4) are you exercising? if yes, what?

Exercise? I don't understand what you mean...

5) your favourite holiday destination?

Oooh, well I liked the cruise we went on! Barcelona was LOVELY!
Welcome to tri 3!

1) tell me something that not many people know about you?

At school I used to play clarinet in the school orchestra, how embarrassing! :lol:

2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

Knowing that I've only got a few weeks to go till I meet little Logan! :dance:

3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

Heartburn, restless legs in the evening and peeing myself when I cough/laugh/sneeze :oops:

4) are you exercising? if yes, what?

I normally waddle backwards and forwards between home and my sons school twice a day. but he's on holiday at the moment so I'm being extra lazy!

5) your favourite holiday destination?

Anywhere hot with a beach 8)
Thanks for your replies.

Georgie Lass - I love Switcherland too, but I prefer going there in summer (I had enough of cold winters as a child!)

3rdbaby_duemay23rd - you are lucky to have family living in a hot country!

Happybunny - I love the Eurovision song contest too. I used to watch it every year as a child. Mind though I was a bit embarrassed about Lordi winning two years ago as I am from the same country where they come from!

Inforabumpyride - haha about your nipples! I have the ugliest belly button, for some reason it has bruised (not to mention it has popped)...

Babybee - I know you possibly meant toy ducks but here is a photo for you (my brother and I as kids with our 'friends')


Mummetmummy - your due date is a day before mine. Exciting!
Hiya and welcome to the forum :wave:

1) tell me something that not many people know about you?

In a word.... Figwit :shock: (and by 'not many people' I am thinking people here)

2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

The scans and the movement (even when its uncomfy). Just being PG for the first time at 37 :)

3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

Constipation, weeing a lot, bumpage aching, unable to be as active as I usually am.... the list is long :lol: :roll:

4) are you exercising? if yes, what?

Just doing lots of walking now as don't have the ability to do much else.

5) your favourite holiday destination?

We don't really do holidays per se. Can't say I have a favourite place. Australia was cool, so was a summer spent on the east coast of the US, Italy always. But then I adore Dartmoor and can happily spend days there (used to live there)
Helloo & Welcome! :D

1) tell me something that not many people know about you?
hmm....I get realllllly depressed if i don't have a tan :think:
2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
knowing that im going to see my baby soon and that everything we go thorough when were pregnant is all worth it!
3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
feeling fat and not being able to go out partying with friends
4) are you exercising? if yes, what?
yes, i do about 10 mins on exercise bike berofe my dinner and tea, and i'm (trying) to tone my arms with weights
5) your favourite holiday destination?
anywhere hot and sunny!!
hello Welcome to 3rd Tri!! :wave:

1) tell me something that not many people know about you?

That Im not as dumb as I look :lol:

2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

There isnt long left and I get to meet my little boy....awww I cannot wait :cheer: :cheer:

3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

Feeling as heavy as I do

4) are you exercising? if yes, what?

I excercise my right to moan and whinge everday :oops:

5) your favourite holiday destination?

Amsterdam or Cyprus
Hello :wave:

1) tell me something that not many people know about you?

I sing pretty well, have done shows and stuff.

2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

That it will be over soon and i finally get to meet my baby

3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?

Not sleeping, uncomfort, massive feet!!!

4) are you exercising? if yes, what?

hahahahaaaaaa :rotfl: I can barely walk upstairs :rotfl:

5) your favourite holiday destination?


PS - sherlock are u talking about flight of conchords/lord of rings????
AnnaR2B said:
PS - sherlock are u talking about flight of conchords/lord of rings????

8) That would be indeed correct.

Its all my fault :rotfl:
BabyMagic said:
1) tell me something that not many people know about you?
2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
4) are you exercising? if yes, what?
5) your favourite holiday destination?

Hi BabyMagic..

1) Hmm dont really know, i'm such a chatterbox and am terrible at keeping secrets so alot of my friends know everythong about me!
2) I'm loving the closeness to hubby, also my friend is 12 weeks pregnant and I love giving her advise and am looking forward to meeting LO soon
3) Being unable to put my pants on without hubbys help, and HEARTBURN AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!
4) I walk my dogs twice a day, but the walks are only around 15 mins each and they are used to hour long walks.. poor boys
5) I got married in Cuba last year and it was paradise, however I was 6 weeks pregnant and suffering with morning sickness. I'd like to go back and not feel sick all the time

OOhh muppetmummy I used to play clarinet in the school band too!!

I'm really embarrassed about it as well, not even my hubby knows about it! I was really crap and never practised and used to get told off by my teacher every week. I'd feel sick the night before a clarinet lesson I dont know why i didnt just give it up!!
babymagic - not just toy ducks! I love real chicks too!!!!!
That photo is SOOOO cute, awwww they look soooo fluffy!
Hi... welcome to 3rd tri..... :D :wave:

tell me something that not many people know about you?
I'm really artisitc...just don't use my skills like I prob should.

2) the happiest thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
feeling my little girl kick and wriggle about...i love it!!! :D seeing the 4d scan we had done...I can't stop looking at the pictures and thinking...'that's my baby!!!' :cheer:

3) the least favourite thing about your pregnancy at the moment?
not being able to bend down and move around like a normal person. :oops:

4) are you exercising? if yes, what?

No not really...pelvic floor when I remember (does that count??) :think:

5) your favourite holiday destination?

Maldives (not that I go there often-just for our honeymoon but it was beautiful!)
xkikix said:
OOhh muppetmummy I used to play clarinet in the school band too!!

I'm really embarrassed about it as well, not even my hubby knows about it! I was really crap and never practised and used to get told off by my teacher every week. I'd feel sick the night before a clarinet lesson I dont know why i didnt just give it up!!

haha! you sound like me. I only ever passed grade 1 because I hardly ever practised at home. I used to do it because my clarinet lessons clashed with maths lessons (which I hated and loved the chance to get out of!) and I'd get time out of school to play at concerts and stuff. It was basically an opportunity to skive!
We were also allowed to mess around in the music rooms at lunch time which was great when it was cold and wet outside :D

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