Hello I'm New :)


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Dec 17, 2010
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Hello Mothers, Mothers-to-be Bumps and all,

I'm quite new to this, but i'm sure im not the first person to be excited and want talk about my pregnancy 24/7 ! I am 21 and pregnant for the first time, I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years now and he just started his first year at university - I fell pregnant a week after on a visit to him! As you may be able to tell, it was a little unexpected - due to ovary problems I experienced throughout my teenage years I was told that it may be impossible for me to have children. So this has come as a wonderful suprise. Although it is not an ideal situation - we both feel extremely blessed and are really anxious with high hopes of a healthy pregnancy and baby.

I just have a few questions!

Is it normal to worry constantly about things going wrong? I had a scan just over a week ago and was only 10 weeks, I have my 12 week scan next week and I can't stop worrying about it. I just want everything to go smoothly.

Also, I have been very nauseous but have not physically been sick, is this normal? I have heard somewhere that the more you are sick during the early stages of pregnancy, the healthier the baby is this just an old tale?

Thanks for reading.
nice of you all to read and ignore me :(
:wave: hi & welcome

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The nausea thing is totally normal, most people just feel sick and arent that sick very often, it should start to subside after 12/13 weeks.

The worrying ... get used to it, your going to spend the next 18 years of your life worrying now :lol:, in all seriousness, it is hard to relax throughout 1st trimester, but once you hit the 2nd, things start to get easier :)

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Hi and welcome.

Congratulations on your pregnancy, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months x x

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hello my dear :)
welcome and congrats

Im sure even if its not an ideal situation you will find a way to make it work between the 2 of you and your little one

I think if you have a read through some of the other threads you will see that its very normal to worry all the time, pretty much everyone is worried at this time, hoping that everything is going to go well, the best thing to do is try and focus on the positives and look froward to things like scans :)

As for the sickness thing, I was actually sick for the first coupld of weeks when I found out (5ish weeks) but since then I have just felt horribly nauseous all the time (although it is finally calming down a bit now which is nice as it means I can actually face going out and dont just want to sleep constantly)
I dont know if sickness scientifically means a healthy baby, I would suspect its an old wifes tale possibly based on lots of healthy babies mums saying they were really sick :)

If I were you I would think myself lucky that your not throwing up all the time, your little bean is obviously settling in without causing too much disruption
hi and welcome to the forum and a huge congratulations :)

its ok to not be sick and to not even feel sick because i dont and all my pregnancies have given me a healthy baby :)
its normal to worry about everything too x
thanks everyone! very helpful. one last thing, how do i get myself a signature? Do i have to have been here a certain ammount of time?
Congratulations on your pregnancy. I too was told it was unlikely that I could conceive due to PCOS and endometriosis. It's such a lovely thing for you. Worrying will always be part of it I think, just try to keep things in perspective and enjoy it as much as you can.

Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months.

thanks everyone! very helpful. one last thing, how do i get myself a signature? Do i have to have been here a certain ammount of time?

no worries i found it!

Thanks again though, its nice to talk about it with other pregnant women at the same stage as I am. It feels as though it is something I shouldnt speak of with others incase it may be jynxed but all i want to do is talk about it all the time!

Congrats on your pregnancy thin we are about the same stage im 11 weeks and 1 day due on the 7th of july when is you due date?

Yep everyone worries loads in the first trimester, and iv felt really sick day and night but only actually been sick about 6 times in 11 weeks so yeah its normal x

Congrats on your pregnancy thin we are about the same stage im 11 weeks and 1 day due on the 7th of july when is you due date?

Yep everyone worries loads in the first trimester, and iv felt really sick day and night but only actually been sick about 6 times in 11 weeks so yeah its normal x

Hiya, thanks very much & congratulations to you also ! I am due on 5th July so very close to your due date. Im extremely anxious and excited. I have been looking in to getting a doppler to listen to the babies heartbeat as I am so impatient!
Yeah I think im going to get one of them too, this is my 3rd baby and my 1st came a day early 2nd was 8 days early so im thinking this one will probs be born end of june rather than july. My youngests due date was also 7th july but I had her 29th june so I might end up with 2 kids same birthday. My bump is pretty big allready with this one im needing maternity clothes allready. Its all very exiting x

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