Hello - I'm here


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2005
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Hi guys,

I've finally arrived at the 3rd tri-mester - very excited as not long to go now. Does it fly by?

Also, the subjects look very cool in here......becoming more and more real. Can't wait to discuss "is this it" - yohoo! Can't believe I'm looking forward to the labour - anyone else?

hi hun looking forward to chat and moan together i think the 3rd trimester goes the slowest thou, sorry this is were it gets uncomfortable! :(

yh im very looking forward to the labour!!! :D

only if i get my epidural though.. if not!the midwife best run. :lol:

il become the exercist!!!!!!! :twisted:

WELCOME TO HELL!!!!!!! :twisted:

Only joking, not that's its a walk in the park but at least the ends in sight now - she says thinking this is the longest time of my life!! Its actually gone really quick up until now, but now each day is getting longer & longer, think my days are about 37 hours long now! :lol:

Anyhoo, hope it goes quick for you & look forward to chatting.

Nicki.x : :D [/b]
hya and welcome to the 3rd trimester xxxxxx
I laughed at your responses with some nervousness.....oh no. Please don't tell me it drags and it's worse than it already is! Since becoming pregnant I've been wondering whether these women that actually ENJOY pregnancy are on drugs or something......sorry, but I'd rather wear a nice pair of jeans, walk without being tired, sleep without 4 million pillows, be able to see my fanny and have a few drinks and fags (boo hoo).

I am one of the most impatient people anyway so it will be a while - now I'm just dreading whether he'll come early. My Braxton Hicks were on fire yesterday.....one of them at night made me stop in my step. Also, I read in a book that the colustrum coming early means baby could come early (any truth to this)??

Thanks for your support I think I'll be on here a lot in the 3rd tri. BTW - I'm finishing work 2 weeks before due date. After being stuffed yesterday with 10 weeks to go, I thought, I am not going to make it that far. God, what is wrong with me - how the heck will I cope with labour?!

Have a great day guys!

omg please dont say that my boobs been leaking for months and now they are pouring :shock: plus all of a sudden my whole bump has completely dropped down and gone smaller :?
breathing is easier now less indegestion etc but lower half is awful got terrible pressure whenever i do anything sit walk the only thing that helps is lying down :( and the bottom of my back and my hips are killing me
hows everyone else doing? xxxxxx
I know what you mean about the fanny thing........i can no longer see mine, even if i try to suck my bump in! I hack at it most days with the razor........goodness knows what it looks like down there!!!
Laughing my arse off !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I miss third trimester talk about shaving ya fanny and trying to make things even but it ends up looking like edward scissors hands had a go instead :lol:

Well done for getting here Sasswa - the end is in sight, it does get a bit tiering by the end but when those first Braxton Hicks come and then the real ones you'll soon be coming home with that little bundle and forget aaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllll about the wait leading up to it. Not long now!!!!!! :D

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