Hello!!! I'm a mummy and the happiest i've ever been!

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hello everyone! :wave: :wave:

Sorry its taken so long to get on here. :oops:

I know Alex my text buddy has done a fabulous job of keeping you all updated (thanks again for this Alex) but i thought i would pop on and say hi and announce i'm a mummy to gorgeous little girl called Amelia Rose born on Saturday at 1.32pm and a weighing in at a tiny 6lb oz She is like a little piece of heaven and perfect in every way.

Thanks to everyone for your lovely messages on my birth thread i have printed it off to put in amelia's birth box i thought the messages were so lovely.

Its been a mad mad week that has flown by but i am walking on air i am so happy. For all you girls that are over due take solice in the fact that it is soooooooooooooooooo going to be worth the wait as i've neveer felt so happy its just in describable how happy i am feeling looking at this little girl!!

With being induced at the last minute i wasn't able to have my water birth or even to be in the hospital i initially chose and the hospital i was in was very strict on mobiles and had only tv and radio patient line so i couldn't even come on here :twisted: So i didn't get to have a labour thread but the main thing is i have a happy and healthy little Amelia.

I missed keeping updated with you all so what have i missed ?!?!?!?! Are you all well? Am i the only cheeky July queue jumper???

I hope to get on tomorrow and do my birth story and hopefully include some pics but for now i just wanted to say hi!

Hope your all well and i'm so pleased to be back!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Congratulations hun!! Her name is beautiful, and I'm sure she's just as beautiful as her name!

You must be on cloud nine! All 3 trimesters and milestones have come down to this, it must be amazing.

I hope your little family are all doing well and you're feeling well and upbeat! :D

Congrats again :hug: xxx
Congratulations :cheer: And you sound on top of the world :D

So pleased for you hun :hug:
That's a lovely post to read :) Many congrats to you - can't wait to see some pics of little Amelia :)

C xxx
Lovely feeling isn't it? I love being a mummy too, it was never meant to be an easy job but it's the best occupation in the world. Congratulations, enjoy your little one :hug:
Good to see you back on here, I can't wait to see some pics of Amelia :D

Alex xxx

Hurry up with the pics :D .
CONGRATULATIONS :cheer: :cheer:
Sounds like you have really taken to being a mum, you sound really happy.
Hope your all well and not struggling too much with the sleepless nights!
awwww congrats LMP ..... what a luvly name shes got....

congrats, im so glad you dont feel negative about birth and such, ill try and keep in mind that ill have a gorgeous little one at the end of it all....and thanks for naming the baby after me.... :wink: my name is Amelia Alice Rose. lol.
Congratulations! :hug: It was lovely reading your post! Looking forward to reading your birth story! :hug:
hey love :wave:

congratulations on your little girl - what a lovely name!!! :cheer:

take care hun :hug:
congratulations, cant wait to see some pics, i love the name too :D

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