hello girls .. iam new!


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2008
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hi everyone,

just wanted to say hi.. iam new.

iam 10 weeks preganant... hope my ticker has worked worked on here. iam sooooo excited to have one of thoose.

i say iam new, but i have been addicted to this site lol when i was ttc i was reading everyones posts and evan still now.

me and oh was ttc for 7months after comeing off the pill ( loestrin20) iam soooo happy to be here.

i will post again soon, with moans i should imagine lol.

take care every1 xx
Hi Joanne,
Nice to meet you, I'm also 10 weeks, just set up my ticker too so be interesting to see if it appears for me or not...

Hope you are keeping well,
Nope my ticker adding has failed too! Trying again now...

Yeah, it worked! You need to insert the code for your ticker that comes under PseudoHTML, UBBCode™ or BBCode - seems to have done the trick for me!

thanks for your reply x

yeaaaa done it :D

all ive got to do now is work out how to put a pic on lol x

iam very well thankyou, no syptoms what so ever. dont feel preganant. apart from my belly popping out a little but it just looks like iam putting on weight to be honest.

how has your 10 weeks been treating you? are you showing yet xxx
I'm exactly the same, don't feel pregnant at all, luckily seem to have dodged morning sickness and other symptoms! Wee bit more bloated round the middle than usual but no obvious bump as yet.

Have you had a scan yet? We had one just over a week ago as my last period put us at 11.5weeks at the time but turned out only 9weeks, period always been irregular so wasn't surprised. Was amazing to see that there really was something in there wiggling it's arms and legs around! Especially as I felt normal and only had a blue stripe on a white stick to suggest I was pregnant! Got my booking in scan on 21st April which seems to be taking forever to come round now, can't wait!

ive been kind of hopeing ild get some symptons... that way at least ild feel preg! lol no-one has noticed belly yet.. although we have told most family and friends ( but not all) :oops:

with my son i had terrible morning sickness... hmmmm just maybe we have a girl. :)

nooooo havent got my 12 week scan date yet, so angry coz whrn i had my booking in app with the docter he said a mid-wife would call me to arrange the scan date. but havent heard a peek... so today i rand the docs and explained and they couldnt seem to find my details on th antenatel page :evil: whicj means ive got to book in to see the mid-wife which is the 21st april and shel arrange my scan from there... arghhh means i prob wont have it till iam 13 weeks. :(

is this your 1st, and what are you hopeing for? xxx
What a pest with them losing your details, grrr! Hopefully you'll get a call and get your scan that same week after you see the midwife.

Yes it is my 1st, be happy whatever it is! I keep referring to it as a boy for some reason and OH's convinced it's a girl so who knows! Don't think they do 20 week scan's up here either so looks like it's going to be a long wait and big surprise!

Know what you mean, people keep saying how lucky I am but it is a worry having no symptoms! Was so worried at my scan that there would be nothing there, and then thought after it it would feel real but still doesn't! My mum had no morning sickness with either of her pregnancies so hoping I just take after her. Haven't told many people either, told the grandparents to be and a close friend but that's it so far, although my mum has told most family members and everyone else she's met in the last week I believe!!

Is your wee boy excited?
oh gosh ... i thought all areas do the 20 week scan ... so you really wont be finding out then. i refer to mine as both really it changes by the day.lol

think il have to find out the sex ... iam sooo impatient, in a way i wish we didnt get the choice. lol

do you find that all topic of convo is baby baby baby lol i just cant help it. ive got a 9 year gap ... so it all feels new x x x

take care x
Hi Joanne!

Welcome and congratulations!!

How do you get a ticker on here?? Really want one!!

Julia xxx
hi julia,

thanks for you reply!
ummmm ticker.... if you go to lilypie website you can create a ticker. fill in the details and copy & paste the link code it gives you. the bb code .... copy it onto your signature, on your profile.

hope that helps... iam just trying to see ow to put a pic on. ohhhh iam crap at all this stuff lol but get there in the end! :think: xxx
hi lou

thanks.. iam wishing the same for you. you are 1 day ahead of me.. are you showing yet? xx :D
Nope nothing yet, I've actually lost a bit of weight because I've been off my food! Are you showing? I can't wait til I am! X
there is a slight bump but only i know its there lol think it may be just in my head... i just look like ive put on weight.

this is my 2nd baby people say you tend to show quicker.
i havent weight myself yet but defo put on a few lbs :( cant stop eating.... arghhh its so annoying, always hungary lol

i know iam thick but ive been trying to get a pic under my name on the top under my name but cant seem to do it ARGHHHHHHH

:wall: :wall: :wall: x ive been trying for hours now lol oh thinks iam neglecting him lol
If you go to 'My Profile', down at the bottom there should be an Avatar Control panel section where you can upload a wee pic
thanks pea ... ive tried that and it says my pic is to big .... :oops: iam soooooo stupid! its way past my bed time maybe thats why lol


ohhhhh on your other reply you asked my if my wee man was looking forward to the baby.... we havent told him yet, want to wait till our 12week scan just to make sure sure everythings ok. now its going to be delayed grrrr cant wait to tell him tho ... he`l be over the moon. he`s always telling me ha wants a sister bless! xx
Ah yes, you'll need to resize the pic in photoshop or similar to no more than 100px before it'll upload. I've sent you a PM with my email address if you want to fire it across I'll resize it for you.

Well done managing to keep it quiet from your wee boy, sure he'll be very exciting at the thought of a little brother or sister when you tell him!

your a diamond... thankyou.

iam gonna send it to you now.

its been so hard keeping it from him ... iam just hopeing he doesnt feel pushed out when bubba arruves .. he gets so much attention now lol we`l try our best to keep it up lol xxx

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