Hi everyone,
Stumbled acrosss this forum while googling low BP in pregnancy! I'm a mum of four, soon to be five, and had my 20 week scan yesterday, all great and its a girl!!! Very pleased as have one girl (14) and three boys (11, 6 and 5)
Looking forward to chatting to you and hearing all about your own children and pregnancies. This one for me is pretty straightforward apart from my low BP which is causing much dizziness and fainting!
Anyway hello to you all
Stumbled acrosss this forum while googling low BP in pregnancy! I'm a mum of four, soon to be five, and had my 20 week scan yesterday, all great and its a girl!!! Very pleased as have one girl (14) and three boys (11, 6 and 5)
Looking forward to chatting to you and hearing all about your own children and pregnancies. This one for me is pretty straightforward apart from my low BP which is causing much dizziness and fainting!
Anyway hello to you all