Hello... Another newbie!


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
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Hi Everyone...
After lurking for a while I thought I better introduce myself.

This is my first pregnancy. I am 26 years old. Although the baby wasnt exactly planned my OH and I are both delighted to be expecting! I suffer from PCOS so had doubts over my ability to conceive. I shouldn't have worried though as I fell pregnant after being pill free for 3 weeks! (and we thought we were being careful!)

I paid for a private scan a couple of weeks ago as I had some bleeding. Everything appears to be okay, although the consultant did think I may be expecting twins :shock: After further investigation he assured me it was only one baby... what he had seen was the yolk!! Has this happened to anyone else??

According to my doctor I am around 9 weeks pregnant...although I have convinced myself I am further on than that.

He gave me a scan photo. I can clearly see the baby's face which doesnt seem to correspond with the scan pictures in my pregnancy books. Our baby looks more developed. That why I think I may be further on.

I cannot work out how to upload my scan picture. I only have the paper copy from the hospital. How do I get this onto my computer. Im not very technical!! :oops:

I am due my 12 week scan anytime soon. I have yet to hear from the hospital.

Anyway... Hi to everyone.. No doubt I will have lots of questions over the next 7 months! xx
Hi :wave:

I have a similar story - I was diagnosed with PCOS in June and told I probably wouldn't conceive naturally. Me & OH made the decision to stop taking the pill immediately (we figured if it would take time we may as well start 'trying' early). I've estimated I conceived around 10-12 days later...

I understand it's a bit of a shock!

They should be able to confirm your dates at the 12 week scan. I think these are the most accurate.

Congratulations! And welcome to the forum.
hiya and welcome to the forum :wave:
hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy!!!

you need to scan it on your pc first,save in my pictures click my scan photo will go to link and follow instructions from there ,if still cant do it pm me congratulations on your pregnancy by the way hope all goes well for you xxxxxxxx
Ah well.. I don't have a scanner... so there goes that idea! Thanks anyway x
Hiya :wave:

Welcome to the forum, wishing you a happy & healthy pg x
Hiya and welcome!!

If you have a digital camera, you can just take a pic of the scan, then upload it to photobucket.

If you're stuck just email it to me:


and I can post it for you

Hope that helps!

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