Hello all new to 3rd Tri - not doing well!


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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Hello everyone

I can't believe I have made it to the 3rd tri! It seems only weeks ago when I did those 6 pregnancy tests :shock: and found out I was pregnant! My pregnancy has not been easy - I had morning sickness up until 19 weeks and still have it on and off now. I have a problem with my legs which has gotten worse and I have just been signed off sick for 4 weeks because I am not coping very well.... I have a painful pelvis, hips and back and I am constantly out of breath!

I am now worried about work and not being able to go back before the baby is born.... don't want to start Mat leave too soon......

I am sure that this little one is going to be worth it all but I am really not enjoying being pregnant right now!

Anyone else having a bad time of it????

I have been signed of for months now as I keep passing out, they cant find out why I have had a scan of the heart, 24hr BP, Support stockings, Blood tests, alsorts next week I have to get a 24hr heart monitor that will be fun. But im not alowed to return to work or drive or even leave the house by myself. My son keeps finding me and even though he is really good it dose worry him.
Hey hunnie... :wave:
Welcome to the third tri :cheer: , sorry to hear you're having a crap time at the minute. I suffered with morning, noon and night sickness til I was about 25 weeks gone, then got a trapped nerve in my back and recently have got SPD, my hips hurt like crazy and I'm in so much pain.....have you tried reading the thread on SPD exercises that Sami posted? Its worth a try if you can manage them. I went to physio for a while. If you mention it to your midwife she might refer you to the physio....
Here's wishing you a happy and healthy last three months..... :hug: :hug:
Thanx guys.... everyone around me seems so positive about pregnancy and it is making me feel a fraud!!! I don't want to be off work from 28 weeks onwards financially it will make things difficult as well as the social side of things!!

Sorry to hear of your troubles cab o holic that sounds awful! I hope you and baby are ok today.

I think my biggest prob is that mentally I am fit but my body is telling me to slow down - and I haven't been listening. Maybe it is time that I did! I have asked work if I can do reduced hours at the end of my sicknote... as I am a nurse in Occ health you would assume that this would be welcomed but I was told it would be discussed closer to the time..!

I look forward to reading everyones stories on here

well i have everything the same as u, bad pelvis, legs, back, hips, breathlessness etc... the only thing I havnt had is morning sickness...hope u feel better soon, and welcome.
Hi, sorry you are having a pants pregnancy :( Mine was awful for the first 4 months and then at 30 weeks I developed obsetric cholestasis. Apart from that though I am feeling quite good in late pregnancy so maybe you will feel a bit better too. Saying that I've been sick today but I think it because I drank a beer last night then took my medication :puke:

I'm sure it will zoom by for you though and if your pains ease off maybe you will start to enjoy this last stretch! If not come on here and moan whenever you like :D

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