Heart palpitations


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2017
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Hi ladies

Is anyone getting heart palpitations??

I seem to be getting quite a lot and they're increasing. Sometimes it's around ten times a day which is pretty scary!!

I'm thinking of seeing the GP tomorrow

I did last time I was pregnant, I remember it was quite scary. :(

See the gp and get some reassurance. I'm sure it's quite a normal part of this process but no harm in getting your mind put at ease x
I feel like it's probably normal but will definitely go and get checked just in case...

I'm really struggling at the moment with tiredness, sickness and extreme headaches... I'm considering asking for a sick note for work for a week x

I definitely had them during this pregnancy, and I think it might have something to do with the increased heart rate, blood flow and probably stress the body is under.

Definitely mention it as they can check your blood pressure, and if it's happening often or gets worse or painful they could consider monitoring you or doing a heard echo to check your heart. When they happen, make a note of the time and what you were doing and how long it lasted for, and that can help the doctor decide whether it's needing further investigation, as this is what they'll initially tell you to do anyway! Also note if you get dizzy or faint or breathless during them. Try to stay away from caffeine in the meantime as well if you do have things with it (cokes, coffee, lucozades etc).

I'm sure it's nothing to worry about and wouldn't panic about them. I get them all the time, pregnant or not, had my heart fully investigated and there's nothing wrong! As long as they're not painful all it is is your heart trying to regulate its beat. x
I noticed having them from about 6 weeks, but I too suffered dreadfully with nausea, dizzyness and I am still suffering with extream tiredness. I did go to gp who said it was more than likely caused by the increased blood flow and made worse by my low blood pressure. I began feeling more normal after 12 weeks apart from the tiredness
I got them loads! Just the increased blood flow and extra work your heart does I think. I ended up getting them a lottt and also suoer high heart rate at the end of pregnancy so I had tests done but all was ok. I'd see someone for reassurance but it does sound a pregnancy tbing xx
I get them every time! It's one of my early symptoms actually. They are scary but so normal!
I suffer from them all the time anyway, every single day but they definatly increase in pregnancy. I also get tachycardia (very fast heart rate) which gets worse in pregnancy too, and I have to take labetalol to try and keep my heart rate down. Oh the joys! It's normal with all the extra blood going round your body. See your GP if you need reassurance, I did and it turned out to be one of those things. In the mean time try to ignore them if you can, I know it's easier said than done but I find the more I think about them the worse the can get. X
Back from docs...

She thinks it's all related to the sickness as lack of salt. My blood pressure was very low as well.

She's told me to rest up so I'm signed off for one week x

Glad you got checked out. Sorry you got signed off though. Take it easy and hope you feel better soon x

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