heart burn.... update why cant gaviscon tatse nice?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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ive ad it very bad today
wow its not nice is it girls ive read oters who have had it now i know
ive had it on and of for a few weeks but its been steadily increasing and to day its horrible all day ive had this rising from the pit of my tummy up my throat burning sensation.
and on top of that my little monkey has spent most of the day lying heavily on my bump and pressing into my back

oh you have to laugh :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :roll:
only 11 weeks tommorow to go till my Collier is due :cheer: :dance:

On a good note the kids at work have been lovley little stars ive had a really good week with them :D :D :D :D :D :D

try and get to docs on monday need to ask about my hayfever as well
can you use gaviscon for the heart burn??
if i can get it on prescription that would be great

sarah :wave: :wave:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
i never had heartburn so guess i was lucky!
heartburn is sooooooo crappy, I cant bend forward else it starts it off :lol: You can get Gaviscon from docs for it, a mahusive bottle for free. I think Im on my 5th big bottle!

:hug: :hug: :hug: I drink loads of gaviscon everyday now.
Luckily my midwife gives me a big bottle everytime I see her
Consultant gave me three huge bottles of Gaviscon Advance on tuesday... no idea how I got this far without it! Thought I had to pay for it so didn't bother. Now I know it's free I want to drink it all day :cheer:
I got gaviscon but the best stuff is ranatdine, this anti acid tablet and it works a treat at night.
you get it all free
on the hayfever thing - we cant take any of the tablets :( the best we can have is beconase nasal spray.
and possibly eye drops.
I get hayfever really bad and i'm dreading the pollen count rising!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Heartburn is horrible, poor you. Definately ask your doc for some Gaviscon. It isn't that effective, but better than nothing!
Tillytots said:
heartburn is sooooooo crappy, I cant bend forward else it starts it off :lol: You can get Gaviscon from docs for it, a mahusive bottle for free. I think Im on my 5th big bottle!


My doctor just happens to be one of the parents at work
so i asked he when she came to pick up her kids if i needed to come in and get the gaviscon
i didnt want to take more time out of work even though they would have to pay me as it was pregnancy related

She said "no just ring the surgery and tell them youve seen me"
so i did this and im picking up
my huge bottle of Gaviscon tommorow from the chemist
RESULT :dance: :dance: :dance:
cant WAIT to get my mitts on it :cheer:
ID just like to say
Aniseed Gaviscon
IS REVOLTING :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

IM SURE there is a nicer flavour

the good news it seems to have worked
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I love aniseed gaviscon! It reminds me of aniseed balls :D

You can also get it in peppermint flavour which IMO isn't as nice, but you might prefer it.
My midwife always asks which flavour I want :)
Also, I find the normal gaviscon has a nicer consistency than the gaviscon advance. Though the advance does work better. I hate the skin the advance forms around the neck of the bottle though :puke:
I think Gaviscon helps me... it helps train me not to eat too much last thing at night for a start!! I have Gaviscon advance and it's RANK - I loathe it's almost chewy consistancy and the flakes of smeg which get on the neck of the bottle.

It works but GOD I have to be desperate with REALLY bad heart burn and acid reflux to go there - mostly I do what I can to help by changing my diet.
I chew the mint tablets if I ever get heartburn. I find those more palatable than drinking the stuff. Bit chalky but no worse than chewing a glucose tablet :roll:
I don't mind the taste it's the consistency i don't like-it's so thick and chalky and I agree about the flakes around the neck of the bottle...it makes me feel.... :puke: better than heartburn tho!!!
It has to be really bad before i resort to the gaviscon! I've got some fruit rennies which taste a lot better!
Gaviscon is heaven to me now - any flavour, anytime! :dance: Id die without it.

The best one IMO is in the pink bottle, Gaviscon double action
I only use this for special occasions though :rotfl: Its too bloody expensive and you cant get it on prescription like the plain old advance :roll:

Milks pretty good at getting rid of heartburn for a while, have a pint glass with you and take sips.

Gaviscogne is minging :puke: :puke: :puke:
Here is my well-thought out and intellectually challenging response to this thread:

Heartburn HURTS and Gaviscon MINGS :puke:

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