Head banger?!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Hey all, my 15 month old has starting banging his head against anything in temper of he doesn't get own way or if he's frustrated! He does it on anything! I've heard this is quite norma? (doubling checking tho ha) but what should I do? Ignore him? Tell him no? Move him away? I'm worried he's going to really hurt himself! Also will this pass? He's also starting smacking me and pulling my hair! He's always been so good so it's been a bit of a shock! Xx
I dont have any advice of what to do really. But my brother used to do this, and now his son does as well. Lol.

If I remember correctly (might not though) mum used ignore him if he didn't look like he was hurting himself, ie banging head on a carpeted floor, if it was harder - like outside, she just bundled him under her arm and carried on going, so he still got pretty much ignored iykwim. Xxx
My sister used to do this and the advice was to ignore her and as for hurting themselves they won't actually bang hard enough to hurt themselves. Hope u gets out of it soon xxx

We had a head banger at nursery that really used to go for it and cause himself to bruise & even bleed!! We had a behavioural specialist in the see him (he had other problems too, not saying you need this at all!) and she said to ignore it too and if we could then try to throw a cushion underneath his head as he bangs?! It worked for him as far as him not bruising himself too badly again but we just had to wait for him to grow out of it.

P.S It's all very very normal, same as the hair pulling and smacking and also biting & toy throwing etc, it's their way of showing their frustration while they can't verbally tell you x
My lo is exactly the same. He goes on the naughty spot for one minute and usually spends all the minute headbutting the wall. Im just ignoring him atm hoping it is a phase that will pass.

Ps... My lo also bites, hits, nips and pulls my hair! I was reading an article that said at this age they take their temper out on those closest to them. I always mak sure he knows its wrong and shudnt do it. Its been a few months and he still does it... My mym said its the start of the terrible twos.....eeek
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Thanks everyone for the advice really appreciate it and I'm trying to ignore it as that seems the best thing to do, even tho I hate it! He doesn't do it too hard in comparison to bruising and bleeding!
Amy thanks feel lot better that he's not the only one! And so werid he only does it to me! Grandparents have him 3 days a week and when they have him he doesn't head bang, smack or pull hair, only to me :-( I've started putting him down and laying him on the floor when he smacks me and just say "that way naughtyl quite firm! Xx

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