
Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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i can't believe it!!! ruben slept through for the 1st time last night! :dance: :clap: :dance: he had his bath, massage and boobie, then to bed by 7pm as usual. woke him at just gone 10pm for his late evening feed, he went down well again at 11pm. then i heard him stirring at 4am and thought i'd have to get up to feed him as usual, but i usually wait until his grunts and moans turn into proper "i'm hungry-crying" - so i didn't go in straight away, and remember thinking "hmm, he seems to be settling a little, i'll give him another 5 mins before i go in". next thing i know is it's 7am, my alarm goes off and still no sound from the nursery. i went in to wake him for his morning feed, and he was in a great mood from the word go! he didn't seem desperate for his food either!

i was desperate for him to feed though! lol, i had boobies like watermelons - they were rock solid and i felt like i'd had a boob job overnight! :shock:

i hope it wasn't just a one-off!!!!! :pray:
It must have been our night Petchy!
Charlie went down at 8.15, after feeding lots since 5pm, had her bath, more boobie, sleepie bag, and snuggles then bed.
I work up at 5 to hear her moving around but she nodded back off. The next thing i know it was 7.10!!!
She is usually really good, and i know im blessed as she only usually wakes once a night any way, but i was over the moon this morning!
Well done Ruben!!!
Fingers crossed, and for ever may it continue!
yay! glad to hear charlie was an angel last night too! to be honest, ruben also only wakes once a night normally, so i counted myself lucky! now i know he can do the full night though, it will prob be worse getting up in the middle of the night again! (coz i bet he won't sleep through every night!)

:clap: well done to both of them! :clap:

just noticed, they're pretty much the same age too (ruben is 2 months 3 weeks and 4 days old - my ticker doesn't show the days!) so maybe it's around this age they start to sleep better??
I'm OUTRAGED!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:
Imagine your babies doing that.... :D :D

Well done anyway...... I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous!!!!!
Emilia xx :wink:

you can give me hope!

I'm not jealous, no... I'm not jealous at all!
Yes Petchy, Charlie is a day older than Ruben.
I hope Charlie does the same again tonight as im going out, be just my luck that ill have to get up loads in the night!
Olivia is 2 months, 2 wks and 5 days (she'll be 12 wks on Sat) so I hope she joins your club soon!

Ahh I can't complain really, she is usually quite good at waking once during the night if I put her down at 10.30/11pm.. but whenever I try to put her down at 8.30/9 she wakes several times.

Petchy - how are you finding the GF routine during the day? Are you able to adapt if you go out and aren't back for a nap or if Reuben sleeps longer?
I don't think a routine for the day would be suitable for us but I am interested to know how it works for you - it's a success for you!

Lucy x
seems he's not quite ready to sleep through every night yet... still, not too bad - he woke at 5, back in bed for 5.30!

lucy: i think with the GF routine, the secret is to realise that every baby has different needs and adapt it to suit your baby. for instance, according to the GF routine for 8-12 weeks ruben should only have 45 mins nap in the morning, 2hrs 15mins at lunchtime and no more than 15 mins in the afternoon. this just doesn't work for him, he gets overtired and grumpy if he doesn't have 1hr in the morning, 2 1/2hrs at lunchtime and 30-45 mins in the afternoon - and then he actually wakes MORE in the night. also the mealtimes: according to GF he should be happy to wait until 11am for his feed after the morning nap - well he's not! he is starving at 10.30. also in the evening he is "supposed" to be happy to wait until after his bath (6.15) for his food... again, he is hungry at 5, so i split the feed and he has one boobie before and one after his bath.

i think GF is right in saying that most young babies cannot stay awake for more than 2 hours before getting overtired - even if they don't show it. ruben always gets grumpy and starts rubbing his eyes about 1hr 45mins after he last woke!

regarding sleeping later in the morning... apart from the bath, boobie, bed routine that is the one thing i stick rigidly to. i wake him at 7 no matter what or all hell will be loose later! it is tempting to stay in bed, but i pay the price for it the following night, as it completely upsets our routine... also ruben still can't manage to stay awake in his pram for more than 10 minutes so if i need to go into town or something i tend to try and go between 12-2.30 when he's sleeping anyway. (this also means i don't have to worry about feeding him whilst i'm out and about!) and if i need to pop to the shops quickly i put him in his baby-carrier instead!

the danger with GF i think is that some people take it too literally, try to follow it down to the last minute, then beat themselves up if it doesn't work. it probably does work brilliantly for some babies and they go straight into it with no need to adapt it, but i find if i tune in to what ruben is trying to tell me we are able to tailor the routine to suit him!
Well done Ruben! :clap:
Its such a nice feeling isnt it.... Aimee used to do the same - wake & grizzle for a bit & i would think "ok i'll get up in a min" then just as i was getting up she'd stop. Sometimes I couldnt remember if i actually fed her or not!
It was very on and off for me though, it started once in a while then a bit more now she is sleeping through about 3 out of 7 nights so its taking along time but we are getting there - i think :think:
well done!!!!!!!!!!

MAheen as well! 3 morning at around 7:00!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
I love it!...I remember me posting on here in the early days, cpmpletely nackered, and everyone trying to reassure me! :D

Mel xx
Awww Melhoney - just seen your ticker its lovely!!!

Lucy - congratulations to Olivia

Heidi sleeps through some nights too - like you Lucy if I put her in bed around 10pm when we go bed, she sometimes goes till 6/7 am!!!

L x
Thank you! :D

Hurray for Heidi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :clap: :clap: :dance: :dance:

Mel xx
spoke to soon!!! last might put her in bed at 11pm - woke at 3, tried to feed, kept messing with the teat for about half an hour :roll:, woulnt go back sleep! tried rocking, mobile etc.

In the d/h took over - i wasnt blessed in the patience department!

L x

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