he is trying


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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well we lasted 14 months but this morning i thought it was gonna Braydons first trip to hospital :(

yesturday while i was at work he got his foor stick in his stair gate and wen mum got it free he was limping but it went away after about 15 mins so thought nutting off it, but wen i got him up today he refused blankly to weight bere on it so i rang my mum and she sed leave him 10 mins and he still wont shell collect me and take me to hospital, me being me was really panicing, he didnt seem in pain would let u touch it etc was happy. so i gave him a lil cuddle and then put him down and he would go down but wen walked did it with a limp so i rang mum and she sed to get him to rest it and if it still wasnt rite we would go to hospital tonite, well i thought how u ment to get an active baby to sit still so i took him into town and put his foot up using the pushchair praying it would, wen we got home i got him out of his puchchair and he was fine guess he just needed time of his foot is all good now thankgod
done well to get to 14 months sarah, hannah has already had 2 trips lol
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
well we lasted 14 months but this morning i thought it was gonna Braydons first trip to hospital :(

yesturday while i was at work he got his foor stick in his stair gate and wen mum got it free he was limping but it went away after about 15 mins so thought nutting off it, but wen i got him up today he refused blankly to weight bere on it so i rang my mum and she sed leave him 10 mins and he still wont shell collect me and take me to hospital, me being me was really panicing, he didnt seem in pain would let u touch it etc was happy. so i gave him a lil cuddle and then put him down and he would go down but wen walked did it with a limp so i rang mum and she sed to get him to rest it and if it still wasnt rite we would go to hospital tonite, well i thought how u ment to get an active baby to sit still so i took him into town and put his foot up using the pushchair praying it would, wen we got home i got him out of his puchchair and he was fine guess he just needed time of his foot is all good now thankgod

Sorry if I sound dumb but what's a foor stick?
sorry hun im so tired tonite i even did it then i did try n re -do my spellings on my other post but i must have posted this before i had changed it by mistake
Braydon is 14 months old and i just feel so tired all the time he isnt a naughty baby altho does wake at nite goes straight back down but im just so tired and was wondering if neone else felt the same
Yep extremely but mine isn't born yet. My 7 year old never goes to sleep before 11pm so I don't get the chance to relax on my own then don't get enough sleep. I'm so tired all of the time too. :( Gonna be worse when Jade's born!

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