Having to wait longer - :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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I accidentally posted this in the wrong place this morning....duh!

I was SO hoping to be TTC this month, but I went to get my mirena coil removed at the beginning of the month and the nurse couldn't see it to get it out. I am now in a 9 week wait for a hospital appointment just to decide what needs doing

I know in the grand scheme of things 9 weeks isn't that long, but I am impatient and grumpy and really annoyed.

It's finally making this big decision after lots of waiting and then being told you have to wait more!!

So I don't think I'll be TTC until Dec at the earliest.

Hope everyone is having more patience than me today! xxxx
We'll probably be starting ttc in Jan. They say that time flies in the run-up to your wedding day, but OMG this has been the longest five months in the history of the world. Sometimes I wish we'd have saved the baby conversations until after the wedding - at least then I could focus on that and Christmas without this taking over my mind! I take it there's no way you can get your hospital appointment moved forward? Perhaps you could go on a list for cancellations or something. I dunno - sorry - just throwing out wild suggestions!
I had a lovely talk with the appointments lady and she took my work number in case there were any cancellations. Sometimes it just helps getting it off your chest! Thanks!

How do you have enough space in your head to think about both?! I don't think I could have thought about anything other than wedding things before mine!

We may be TTC at the same time then! x
Oh, that sounds good that you had a nice chat with appointments lady. Fingers crossed that you get in there before the 9 weeks then.

I have no idea how I have room for both. OH has been great at sharing wedding duties, so suppose that's helped. We've done loads of stuff together and we've just got on with things, no faffing about. Shame he isn't quite as helpful when it comes to housework - haha - but one step at a time ;)

Yep... we could indeed be ttc around the same time!

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