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Have you ever questioned...


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2007
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...your decision to give (or not to give) your LO a dummy?

Before Maya was born, we had decided not to give her a dummy. But then, when she was born and after realising she is using my nipples as a dummy, we thought of giving her one. Also, we thought, it's better to give her a dummy than her sucking her thumb, as dummies are supposed to be better for their teeth.

After a month of her having the dummy only when she would go to bed and only for 5 minutes or so, we decided to take it from her, as she wasn't really bothered with it. It's been two months and a half that she hasn't had a dummy and she never seemed to miss it but now I'm having second thoughts! Is it better for her (now she uses her thumb, her fist and any cloth she can find)? Till now, it hadn't been an issue because she would only do it a few times a day, but now it's constant! I'm wondering whether it's due to teething. If that's the case, do you think a dummy would help her? And what would be an alternative to that? Apart from the teething necklace, which I'm seriously considering buying soon.

What do you do with your LOs?
I started using dummies because I was fed up of him falling asleep on boob, and as soon as I took him off he would wake up wanting to chew something, so I was tied to holding him asleep a few times a day and I just wasn't getting anything done.
I still think maybe I shouldn't have given him one, but he's not fussed about it that much. In fact he rejected it completely last night, favouring babbling himself to sleep :rotfl:
when Willow was newborn we gace her a dummy but now she sucks her thumb although she will also take a dummy so whenever we are out and about 9 times out of 10 shw will have her dummy but for bed or comfort she will suck her thumb im not to worried obout her sucking her thumb as babies will do what they want to comfort themselves.
We've tried Ellie with a dummy as she was using my boob as a dummy but she wont have one, we've tried a few different types but she just pulls her face and spits it out :lol:
Finn uses a dummy - he cries a lot so it's a godsend! I've also just hunted out my dummy medicine thing as he's not well and spits out most of the calpol if I give it to him on the spoon! I only buy him the latex orthodotic ones tho'
i always thought i wouldnt use a dummy. but they are little god-sends sometimes arent they lol and actually i think melissa looks so so cute when she's totting on it! BUT, im kinda dreading taking it from her now when she's IMO too old for it- because i think ill hav a battle on my hands! she already understands the concept of it and opens her mouth when she sees it, grabs it when its within reach, and sleeps with it and cries when it falls out! cross that bridge when we come to it i guess
I agree, LOs look soooo cute when they have them. And yes, they are a godsend lol . I don't know what to do, I think I'll wait and see how it goes with her teething.

Thanks girlies! :hug:
awww don't let her suck her thumb though... i wouldn't take a dummy andmy mum let me suck my thumb...so I had terrible buck teeth, had kids make fun at me at school, as I was still sucking my thumb...then a kid beat me up and I fell against a wall and chipped my adult tooth...and have had to had constant caps and crown fitted, then 18months of head braces, more teasing, and I've got to go have my crown replaced as it falling out...so more pain and discomfort...all because I sucked my thumb as a child :cry:

Its either a dummy or nothing in my book... lil miss started sucking her thumb when she was born, but I put a stop to that. :shakehead: she will take a dummy but only occasionally and never for long.
i tried givin bray a dummy as he wanted my boob constantly but he would never have it. his never been a thumb sucker either so iv been really lucky
i tried givin bray a dummy as he wanted my boob constantly but he would never have it. his never been a thumb sucker either so iv been really lucky
Hannah has never shown interest in a dummy, so i dont use one.
My older sister sucked her thumb her whole life (even today, when ever she falls asleep... shes 37) and she has perfect teeth. :think:
I gave Lola a dummy because she was using my boob as one but she gave it up herself about 2 months ago so now i'm her dummy again :roll:
leckershell said:
In fact he rejected it completely last night, favouring babbling himself to sleep :rotfl:

He obviously had a lot to tell you about with him having had a busy day :lol: Bless his babbling cottons :D

I have never questioned my decision to let Lib have a dummy, but I have & do question letting her have it in the day. If she see's one, she'll make a grab for it, but wouldn't use her thumb as an alternative. I don't think they look cute though, and I only like her to have it to settle her when she's grouchy (tired/ teething/ poorly).

The cutest thing she does with her dummy though is try to share it, she'll take it out and give it to me or DH, Valentines little girl Ella got offered the dummy on Tuesday, and she'll even offer it to her reflection :rotfl:
I've never questioned Harrison having a dummy, I don't know where i'd be without it, it's like his best friend wherever he goes his dummies go too :lol: I try not to let him have it unless he really needs it though esp during the day!
I don't give my DD a dummy, but sometimes wish I had as she may take this overnight rather than feeding for comfort and I'd get more sleep!

However, apart from the sleep issue, I'm glad she doesn't have one. She's quite easy going and falls asleep without a fuss for naps and in the evening, so I've never really needed one.

Valentine Xxx
I don't reall see what the issue is with dummies to be honest. Jack has never been a sucky baby really but i've always had a couple of dummies in the house and occasionally will have one especially now he's teething it seems to help. If he wants it he wants it if he doesn't he doesn't. It's not really an issue for me either way :)
none of mine have had dummies, but not because i wouldnt give them. i dont really like the look of dummies but if it soothes i would give them but have tried with both and both have preferred thumbs. dd1 is 5 now and teeth are perfect and she has stopped naturally, whereas my friends little girl had a dummy until she was 4 and had to have 7 teeth taken out because they were misshapen, but dentist said theres no proof it was dummy,he reckons most cases where teeth are misshapen is genetic

i dont see anything wrong with them i just personally dont like the look of them and especially when you see 4/5 yr olds walking school with dummies in their mouth, i think thats a bit lazy on the parents side.

when would ppl suggest taking the dummy away just asking for my sis as she was wondering when is best time as her son is now 14 months and she thinks it will get worse the longer he has it.

Isaac wouldn't take a dummy until he was 5months old, but after that it helped him settle and sleep so much better, I am so glad he took to it otherwise things may have been a lot more difiicult. Not all babies 'need' them and are perfectly fine with their thumb, fingers, I think as long as LO and you are happy, don't change something that isn't broke :)

Very best wishes :hug:
Joseph seems to suck for comfort, the moment he was born, he had to have a dummy as he'd suck every damn minute of the day lol

However, over the past 2 months, he only has his dummy when he is tired, it's easier for him to sleep, he isn't usually bothered about not having his dummy when he is awake. But if he is upset, teething wise, I'll give him his dummy.

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