Have u got ur scan pics


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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In frames? OH thinks it is funny that on the coffee table I have our 12 week 20 week and 4d scan pictures in frames!
I think it's nice to have them there where I can look at them any time

I'll be honest - i havent. Didnt really think about it - but i did see a nice frame the other day for the 1st and second scan pics. Woulda been tempted if my second scan hadnt been so awful.
I have my LOs 20 week scan pic in a frame in the hall and she's here lol. I love the scan pictures and want to show them off!
Ive got a frame with 4 pictures in it, one if me with a bump, one is a scan pic and one is of her in the hospital and the last one is of her as a newborn in her swing. Its nice seeing them all together.
Ive got a frame with 4 pictures in it, one if me with a bump, one is a scan pic and one is of her in the hospital and the last one is of her as a newborn in her swing. Its nice seeing them all together.

Aw that sounds lovely, I may need to pinch that idea :)

I have my 12 week pic in a frame on my bedside table so it's the first thing I see in the morning and the last at night.
Ive just bought a long frame for 5 photos and Im going to put a pic of my bump and also a pic of my 8 wk, 12 wk, 20 wk and 4d scan pic in there. We are going to put it on the nursery wall :)
I'm going to put my 20 wk scan up when I get that far, I love them!
i found my picture frames the other day so i might use them for this exact purpose lol. have no pictures in frames in the whole house so they will make really good first pics in more than one sense
I bought OH a 'I love my Dad' frame and stuck in our 20wk scan pic for his bday :) it has pride of place in our room xx

I just put all mine in a photo album at the time, I didn't want them to fade quicker. Plus I had so many lol lovely though I saw him so much hehe growth scans have a few advantages x
My MIL has our 16 week pic in a frame, all mine are slotted into my big photoframe

I keep mine in her baby book. Did the same for our little man :)
Ive got the originals in a book but I scanned them into the computer so 1. theyd never get damaged and 2. I can keep printing them out if I want. :blush: I love the scans
No but I do have bump as the screensaver on my phone if that counts??!!!
I haven't got mine in a frame, hopefully 20 week scan in 3 weeks will give a better picture :D then it shall go in a frame xx
I have put all mine in a photo album. Hope to add photos each month and also to mark birthdays and big occasions!xx

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