Have joined to 2 week wait brigade...

KJ .. I was on Femodene ... which then got banned! Then I was on Ovranette .... which was replaced with Microgynon last year (exactly the same pill tho ... just a different name!) ...

GOOD LUCK everyone!! I'm hoping to be on the 2ww very soon ......

Baby dust to all!
6 days til testing..... i know i said i wouldn't symptom spot but my bbs hurt - lovely short stabbing pains and v. sensitive nips and i've had some cramps. I've also been the most moody person ever the last few days..... if am not pg then going to have worst pmt ever!!!
Yay Rachie!! Here's hoping!!

Every month I pray for sore boobs ..!! hehe! :rotfl: Never had them yet (I never get them for AF either .... didn't even realise that alot of women get that every month! I've been living in ignorant bliss it seems!) .....

:pray: :pray: :pray:

I don't think I've even ovulated yet ... hmmm :think:
i dont get them either usually so its new to me too.... i'm not getting too carried away gonna think of it as pmt.... yeah right lol... am now in longest week EVER :rotfl:
:rotfl: .. in theory ....unless I've missed it! Who knows ... pot luck this month :wink:
hi girls only just seen this thread i'm due on 9th/10th so really close to you all, i'm in the middle of the long wait

fingers crossed for us all :pray:
ooh... when are you testing?

good luck and fingers crossed for a BFP for you
thanks, not sure when to test to be honest, i never get early positives so gonna wait a while but am really regular so that will hopefully tell me one way or another.

i'm feelin really excited this month for some reason, think it must be cos ive tried the magic med this month??

when are you testing rachie?
Hello Rachie29. I'm due on 12th/13th. This was the first month Hubby and I tried but I think we may have been a little late in the month. Anyhow, let's catch up on 12th/13th and see. Fingers crossed :)
Hopefully you're excited for a reason and your intuition is telling you Lyn :D

Good lucks Becs
12th for me too :pray: , sore boobs, ate like a pig today, fell asleep at 11am :oops: and feel sick, but sis has had a sickly virus so am assuming its that :roll:

good luck all :pray:

if no joy this time, iam of for some magic medicine too :angel:
hi all... i'm waiting until sat 11th to test. My af is due at some point that weekend as my cycles are 30-33 days. my dear oh decided to surprise me on sunday evening.... he brought home a kitten... 9 weeks old so my attention is currently diverted there and it is stopping me testing early as i can't get in the bathroom to do it without being clambered all over.... should save me a fortune in hpts lol.... :rotfl:

still have sore bbs and started with cramps this am... could be pre-af though so not getting too hopeful

Hi ladies,

I hope you don't mind me joining you - my AF is due tomorrow (Wednesday) but that's going on my 'usual' 31/32 day cycle - the last time I thought I was preggers, it was just a 38 day cycle! Grrrr....

Unusually, I don't like to do a test - I like to just wait each month. This is kinda sad as it means I just get my hopes up - thinking about names and telling people (my new idea is if I am this month - not to tell my OH until Xmas day [not likely I could wait but a nice idea!]!) etc etc but I can't bear the crashing disappointment of a negative pregnancy test - plus they are expensive!!! So, I am going to try and hold out and see if/when AF arrives...

To make matters even more unlikely, we only BD once this month (I know, we're really lazy and cr*p) and it was really unromantic and OH used a condom for the first time in ages and it burst (too small :oops: !).

However, I can't help but symptom spot - I don't know about you guys? The main thing I normally notice when I *think* I'm pregnant is a tender abdomen which probably means its just AF (since I have had this before recent AFs) or psychosomatic (sp?). I've been feeling tired and a bit dizzy but again, these could be in my head. Sometimes I think I'm going to drive myself mad!

The more I write, I know I'm not preggers this month - just driving myself mad by hoping for the near impossible and praying (and I'm an atheist!) for a no show AF!

Oh well, there's always next month. We said we'd try properly after February 2007 anyway as we're getting money stuff sorted just now - but I keep hoping he'll just be tempted not to put on a condom! (I'm not on the pill). Will give me time to lose more weight too (lost 6lbs, only 95lbs to go!).

To make matters worse, my bessie mate gave birth on Friday to a little boy. He is so lovely and I am so jealous!

Keep posting as I am dying to hear how you are all getting on!

valentine x

P.S. Sorry for babbling and thread hi-jack - it's late and I needed to talk to someone! Feel free to ignore!
Hi Valetine ...

We all feel the same I think! Symptom spotting when we know there are none etc etc ...... My best mate is also pg ... we've been TTCing for the same amount of time (since Feb) .. and she feel pg first .. it was my worst nightmare (how terrible does that sound!?!?) ..... I am sooooooo happy for her ... but soooo gutted at the same time!!

My brothers 'unplanned' baby is due in less than 2 weeks too ......

And now my cycles have decided to screw up .... :roll: I'm starting to think there is probably something wrong ......

Anyway - there is hope for you as they say it only takes once Valentine!!! So GOOD LUCK!!!! Baby dust coming your way!!
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the welcome Bec!

Just thought I'd give you all a quick update! Well, still no AF but with my b*ggered up cycle - that's no great surprise...I can't work all this out - my last AF was started on Sunday 8th October - does that mean its 33 days or 32 days - i.e. do you count the first day as day one or the second day as day one (once its been a day IYSWIM?).

I am still symptom spotting like mad (and so glad I'm not alone!) - I have a sore tummy and felt really :puke: last night on the train (but I often get travel sick). I am sure this isn't it - but I just wish I was one of those 28 day regular a clockwork people...I suppose I could always do a test - but I want to wait a few more days, make sure I'm not making all this up in my head (and give me a couple more days to daydream - this might be it!)...

I haven't said a word to anyone (except you guys) - my OH is a bit fed up (I think) of me telling him I think I might be preggers when its just a false alarm - so I want to be really sure. I've also got this lovely plan that I would tell him on Xmas day - (assuming for a minute there's a miracle and I am preggers!), would it be fair to keep the news for him so long considering also that I would need his support if anything went wrong?

Oh well - I'm just gabbling now. Does anyone else find it really difficult to concentrate at work etc? I can't stop daydreaming about being pregnant and having a baby! Wish baby dust for me ladies!

Any more news ladies? Are you all testing this weekend?

Valentine xxx
Hi all again. Been away for a while but back now and waiting to test on the 11th. All those testing that morning, please log on and let me know what you get. I'll do mine first thing. Symptoms so far are just twinges, slightly painful in lower abdomen for the last 3 days. Here's hoping!!!

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