Hi ladies,
I hope you don't mind me joining you - my AF is due tomorrow (Wednesday) but that's going on my 'usual' 31/32 day cycle - the last time I thought I was preggers, it was just a 38 day cycle! Grrrr....
Unusually, I don't like to do a test - I like to just wait each month. This is kinda sad as it means I just get my hopes up - thinking about names and telling people (my new idea is if I am this month - not to tell my OH until Xmas day [not likely I could wait but a nice idea!]!) etc etc but I can't bear the crashing disappointment of a negative pregnancy test - plus they are expensive!!! So, I am going to try and hold out and see if/when AF arrives...
To make matters even more unlikely, we only BD once this month (I know, we're really lazy and cr*p) and it was really unromantic and OH used a condom for the first time in ages and it burst (too small

However, I can't help but symptom spot - I don't know about you guys? The main thing I normally notice when I *think* I'm pregnant is a tender abdomen which probably means its just AF (since I have had this before recent AFs) or psychosomatic (sp?). I've been feeling tired and a bit dizzy but again, these could be in my head. Sometimes I think I'm going to drive myself mad!
The more I write, I know I'm not preggers this month - just driving myself mad by hoping for the near impossible and praying (and I'm an atheist!) for a no show AF!
Oh well, there's always next month. We said we'd try properly after February 2007 anyway as we're getting money stuff sorted just now - but I keep hoping he'll just be tempted not to put on a condom! (I'm not on the pill). Will give me time to lose more weight too (lost 6lbs, only 95lbs to go!).
To make matters worse, my bessie mate gave birth on Friday to a little boy. He is so lovely and I am so jealous!
Keep posting as I am dying to hear how you are all getting on!
valentine x
P.S. Sorry for babbling and thread hi-jack - it's late and I needed to talk to someone! Feel free to ignore!