I also have a Hauck winnie the pooh stroller. I dont really like the one i have, i think there are different versions tho. The handles have a button on the top that move the handles so that you can put them in different directions, this i thought would be a good thing but when im pushing the pushchair as the handles are not fixed the tend to move and hurt my hands. It also takes to hands to put down which is a pain if you have the baby in one hand lol. The shopping basket is really big tho, fab for me lol. ive seen alot of people with them tho and mary07 from the earlier post had no problems. See if you can have alook at one first. I keep the winnie one in my house as its quite good to nip to the shop, but i found it too hard to go shopping with it for the day so i bought a different buggy which i keep in the car.