Has anyone here had an elective section?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Hi ladies, as times ticking on ive been thinking about what an elective section is going to be like. Had an awful experience with my last labour and emergency section and felt and looked awful after it. I was an emotional and physical wreck but mainly because of labour.
My question is what is an elective like? I cant get my head around walking in and just having baby with no contractions etc. Also, what happens after-are you drowsy etc. In a way im scared of the after part as i was so shattered last time i slept.

Hope to hear you experience of an elective..whether good or bad. :D
Mine was kinda lol. I was in with complications and in the end a section was decided and I had a day to wait I wasnt in labour or anything. I personally loved my birth experience the run up was poo but the day i had her was fine. Went down with OH and my mum went in nothing was rushed everyone was smiling and I wasnt drowsy at all when I came out. Iwas calm through out the op and had a good chat with OH
I had a wonderful elective section. My birth story is in "announce your new arrival" Ruby Mae . Have a peek :D

Good luck flower :hug:
Thanks so much moomum. :hug: I have just read your story and your photos are amazing. I hope that they will let my hubby take some. :D

How has your recovery been?
My recovery was absolutely fine. Quite uncomfortable to start with, but it soon fades with pain relief :D

Accept all the help you are offered and rest as much as you can - recovery will be much faster this way.

Hope you manage to get the photos you want - they're definitely to treasure!

Good luck flower :hug:
im in the exact same situation as urself, i had a really bad long labour last time and needed an emergency section. i havnt got a date yet for my elective but i have convinced myself it will be a lovely experience, there will be no baby in distress this time and no me being scared out of my wits, it will be good for u 2 if it was bad last time and i hear the recovery time is very quick second time around.. plus u wont be a tired out after last time cause u went through labour just to end up with a section last time..
i was due to have one and felt alot like you, just could not imagine it, but i bottled it last minute and decided to try natural.
We're trying for number 2 - and i allready know i'll be pushing for an elective cesarian.

I had the labour from hell last time ending up with an Emergency section. I was knackered from the labour.

The baby got stuck because she was too long, her dad is 6ft 6 so the chances of it happening again are high.... so...... Elective Cesarian..... BRING IT ON!
Mine was kinda lol. I was in with complications and in the end a section was decided and I had a day to wait I wasnt in labour or anything. I personally loved my birth experience the run up was poo but the day i had her was fine. Went down with OH and my mum went in nothing was rushed everyone was smiling and I wasnt drowsy at all when I came out. Iwas calm through out the op and had a good chat with OH

I'm thinking of an elective when the time comes because I suffer from Chronic Migraine which makes me incredibly ill - still so many misconceptions about how it can debilitate you. I spoke to a specialist consultant in family planning who also writes research papers on migraine; she said I'm in a perfect position to request one on medical grounds.

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