has anyone else?..


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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broke out in a red rash on their face?
its not itchy and its not bumpy. its just these little red dots on my face! feeling a wee bit paranoid xx
i had this before i was pregnant. except mine was occasionally itchy.

my gp put me on anti-histamines and it cleared it up really quickly.

but, being a total noob, i have no idea if you can take anti-histamines whilst pregnant.

is it like bruising under the skin?
exaaactly like that! will needa check it out n see if im allowed them or not! looked on google after posting on here and told me tht its probs just cause my skin is more sensitive than usual with bein pregnant tht now i might be allergic to my soap! typical!! xx
yes, thats probably it.

i have never been allergic to anything in my life until now! now it seems to be everything, plasters, surgical tape, washing powder etc

but go and see you gp, spots like bruising under the skin can be a symtom of something more serious, it probably isnt, but better to be safe :)
I still have it on my forehead and either side of my nose, I keep trying different cleansers but it comes and goes xx
you not really allowed to anti antihisamines but they can give you some just not sure on it x
Im sure piriton is fine ....ive been taking it ...all my allergies are on full scale war ...i also have to take eye drops witch are worrying as there is no evidence as to whether it will affect the babe
thanks guys!! its not so bad today so not looking as hideous! thinkin about buyin some babywipes for my face instead of usin soap. hoping it will be softer on my skin! xx

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