Has anybody else...


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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...got the urge to go clubbing? I want to get pissed and dance all night, get a kebab then walk to the taxi rank in my bare feet, lose my shoes, get the taxi driver to pull over so I can throw up, then throw myself into bed with all my clothes and make up on and wake up the next morning with the worlds worst hang over. Just like old times. Yep I'm a classy bird aren't I lol :lol:
Funny thing is i've wanted to do that too!!
Not for a long time though!! Probably when i was about 25 weeks
:lol: I'd love to do it too but the prospect of coming home pissed to the 4am feed and a pooey nappy isn't appealling... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I dont mind missing out the hangover bit :puke: but the clubbing dancing till the wee small hours of the morning 8) YES i miss this so much and would love to join you on the dance floor waddling and a wobbling in time to the music :rotfl: :rotfl:
ooooooooooooooooo dancing and a drink, sounds good 2 me :cheer:
I think what's making it worse is that it's bank holiday weekend this weekend and my OH was talking about what drink he's going to buy for him to have at home, were going to a BBQ on saturday night, then sunday it's Donny v leeds play off final and he's watching it on sky with a drink and I just feel so jealous. Especially when he mentioned he might get southern comfort, lime cordial and lemonade, my favourite drink!! He never drinks it, but apparently he fancies it this weekend :evil:
geordie lass said:
I dont mind missing out the hangover bit :puke:
im too knackerd to even be botherd going partyin at the mo!
can't wait 2 have a night out after babys born though! but i probably won't want to leave his side!! :lol:
xJodieLoux said:
He never drinks it, but apparently he fancies it this weekend :evil:

:roll: my OH used to do stuff like that too...

GIT. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I think they should bring a new law out that says men are not allowed to drink if their girlfriend is pregnant, or eat runny egg and all other stuff were not allowed. It's not fair :(
:rotfl: :rotfl:

You know i've NEVER done that, or had the urge to! I'm so tame! i'd quite like to go to a ballroom/latin dance and have a glass of wine...

OMG i really have turned into an 80 year old!
xJodieLoux said:
I think they should bring a new law out that says men are not allowed to drink if their girlfriend is pregnant, or eat runny egg and all other stuff were not allowed. It's not fair :(

Yessssssss. I'm dying to go out and get drunk! And I agree 100% with the above, I've had issues all pregnancy with OH having a drink and me not being allowed :evil: Usually he'll only drink when I'm not around but I still find myself imagining his drunken antics with longing........
I only ever craved a drink when baby daddy would go out and get totally wrecked, it would remind me of the totally care-free "fun" times we used to have (most of our time together was spent drunk :roll: , the relationship was doomed from day one lol).

Even now thinking about going out, buying a bottle of wine sitting drinking it whilst he spent hours getting dressed and re-dressing me (apparently im not good enough at doing it myself) then stumbling off to the pub, followed by lots of drunken convo, more booze, a drunken stumble, followed by a fumble in the bushes, falling in to his house and waking everyone up with more very quite fumbling i miss it a little. I think i jsut miss the care-free nature of it all.

Though all the drunken fumbling caught up with me lol, only one more month then hello Tally!!

As soon as i feel up to it i'll spend an entire day expressing for her and go out!! Then someone else can feed her whilst i'm out. :dance:
i can't wait for a good night out, or even a bottle of wine in the house :D

i LOVE house parties too, my favourite :cheer: my friend and i are due the same day, we've been planning our first drink for ages :rotfl: she reckons licking the wine cork will do us at first :rotfl:
I'd say no to the hangover but a good night out would be briliant. I miss going out and getting drunk and doing silly things. I also miss meeting up with friends for breakfast the next day and cringing over what we did. I'm not looking forward to the first alighty hangover I have ater LO arrives and I stop breastfeeding- it's going to be a big one.

The funny things about me and OH is that before baby we were always drunk together and hardly did a thing sober so it's made our relationship change quite a bit too :D

Alex xxx

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