harry potter fans...


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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if your goin to see it tommorrow thought i would just let you all that my hubby has already seen it (he's a cinema projectionist so gets to check the prints), and he said it was really good. he isnt even a fan of the films but he said he really enjoyed it. i think he's a meany for watching it without me :shakehead: .
Whose all going to see it? :D
I am as soon as I get a chance! Can't wait. Love the films (only read a couple of the books though). According to R4, this one is supposed to be much darker again than the previous one.
I am going to go when I get a chance. Hubby is a big Harry Potter fan and loves the books. I'm not that big a fan but I loved the first one. Hubby is also getting excited about reading the books to baby when it's born. xxx
:cheer: :cheer: tonight :cheer: :cheer:

6 o'clock and I can't wait...not that I'm a big fan or anything :oops:
I think I'm gonna take my brother (11) to see it in august, I've really enjoyed the last ones, and he's got all the books and loves the films :D

Im going tonight at 8pm! Im soooooooo excited!! Im off on my hen do to Barcelona tomorrow and I think Im more excited about seeing the movie than I am about the hen do!! I have all the books and I cant wait for the new one due out this month! I am a Harry Potter nerd and Im proud of it!! :D
Yipee! I can't wait! I love the films but love the books even more. I've lost count of the number of times I've read them!

I'm almost dreading reading and finishing the last book next weekend because it will then be all over. However if I delay it I might accidentally find out what happens and that would be even worse I think.

Listen to me, I'm 32. :rotfl: JKR really is a genius and deserves every penny I think!

my DD is 9 and also loves the films. As this is a cert PG13 do you think she'll be ok in the cinema? She watched the last one when it came out on DVD and was fine. When you all go can you let me know what you think please? We're going next week I think with my friend's DDs, ages 9 and 11.

Well it can't be any worse than the Goblet of Fire...I've enjoyed them all but that one was a big dissapointment. I'll wait till it premiers on Sky before seeing it, not chancing labour in the cinema!!
I'm just back - it was brilliant! Much darker but less faffing about than the other books/films.

I loved it.

Valentine xxx
Fell asleep during the first film and have not bothered with the others since :D
as a film it was very good - having read the book though I was a little disappointed :( There wasn't enough of my favourite characters from the book in it.
Ladybird said:
Yipee! I can't wait! I love the films but love the books even more. I've lost count of the number of times I've read them!

I'm almost dreading reading and finishing the last book next weekend because it will then be all over. However if I delay it I might accidentally find out what happens and that would be even worse I think.

Listen to me, I'm 32. :rotfl: JKR really is a genius and deserves every penny I think!

I feel exactly the same!! :rotfl:

I'm seeing the film Sunday, then re-reading the 6th book next week to get me ready for the last one :cheer:
I really want to go but I think I have got too big now. The last film I saw was Shrek and even though it was only an hour and a bit, by the end of it my legs and feet were so swollen (not to mention the numb bum!!) that I decided it should be the last film I see before LO arrives!

Typical a Harry Potter film had to come out just as I come to this decision though.....their my favorites!! :cry:
Boring!!! :bored: :bored: :sleep: :sleep:

I'd rather scrub my floors with a toothbrush than waste 2hrs watching that!!

I think I am the only person that doesnt get all the hype about it. I do think it is good that it's getting kiddies reading again tho :cheer: my nephews and niece loves it!
Not so botheerd about the film, but I have a reservation at waterstones on the book- im going up with my boyfriend and his sister at 12 midnight to collect it :D
im taking luke to see it 2moro as its his birthday :D oh my word hes 14 2moro i feel so old :( xxxxxxxxx

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