hard to walk


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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today.. i am finding it hard to walk.. i have a sharp pain at the top of my leg everytime i move.... if i stand up for longer than 2 mins.. the top of my leg goes numb?? any ideas what this can be?
Is the pain in the front or back of your leg? If it is in the back I would say you have sciatica, which could be the baby pressing down on a nerve.
its a mix... between the front of the leg and down the side of the leg... its only near the top though........
I had this kind of thing when i had psd in my last pregnancy. i went to an Osteopath in the end and it worked a treat...did not make it disappear completely but really helped.
You might have pulled a muscle, try and get some rest and see if it helps
does that mean i can go home from work LOL.... i didn't have a good sleep last nite as the gas people had to fix a gas leak outside our house and were drilling til 3:30am :-(.... so may just be my bodies tired?
i get that a lot and but it comes and goes. i'm hoping that it's just sometimes just the way the baby is lying. dunno much about spd or whatever it is but fingers crossed it's not that.

probably you do just need to take it easy a bit gruntie, can you not have some time off work to chill abit? I bet your mw would put you off if you asked her....
I had that for a bit doctor just said it was pressure on siatic nerve as everything stretches and moves

i have got a week off in 2 weeks... so i can rest then... if it gets any worse.. then i will phone my midwife and speak with her.... i just get worried with walking up and down the stairs at work when it hurts as i'm prone to falling down the stairs ... (weak ankles)
It sounds like you have a trapped nerve. Especially if you are getting numbness. As you are standing up when the numbness happens, it could be the baby pressing down on a nerve in your pelvis so when he/she has been pressing on it for more than two minutes, you get that numb sensation.

If its the begining of SPD (you'll know cos it will get worse rather than better), do exactly what Naturalmama said and go see an osteopath or Chiropractor for an adjustment, but one who knows about pre natal care. That should make things less painful...

Oh yer... and rest... its always a good excuse to rest and watch telly... 8)
pain has now moved to my hip when i'm sitting down.. could it be my posture??? do i need to sit differently???
whats the best thing to do then.. see if it goes away (taking paracetamol).... or phone the midwife to see what she suggests?
i have the exact same

i was walking round college today with my friend and had to keep telling her to slow down :lol:
I would phone the midwife hun, if it's getting so bad. If you're worried you'll be thinking of it more...and she'll put your mind at rest.

Also my work made me use the lift all the time as your center of gravity changes during pregnancy and makes you prone to falling etc. Bit ott and hard to stick to all the time, but worth considering if you use the stairs alot at work.
Thanx... i'm gonna phone this morning.... i went to the supermarket last nite.. was only walking for about 10 mins and i was in complete agony.. had to rush my DH along then when i sat in the car.. it really hurt... like someone was stabbing me with loads of pins or something.... they open at 9 this morning so i will phone then...
don't have a lift at work :-( only stairs
phoned midwife... she thinks it may be sciatica.... told me to book appt with doctor... so i will call them when they open at 9am... hopefully can get in today sometime.....
hi girlies
went to the docs thurs morning... got told i have an inflammed psoas muscle... she prescibed me some tablets... i phoned the midwife to double check that the tablets were ok.. she said NO.. and she also told me to stay off my feet.... I called the docs back and they prescibed some co -co damol... my midwifes also not too happy about me taking these but said a couple a day should be ok.... so i was off work Thurs afternoon and friday... My leg is still killing me... but i have come into work today... brought my hot water bottle with me... look silly carrying it around LOL
is that good then? did they say it would get better or is it something that will last the length of your pregnancy?

at least is diagnosed though hun, although it's a shame you have to go back to work.

Have some :hug: it'll all be worth it in the end! :hug:

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