Happy Mammy:-)


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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I think i can say now that Collier is exclusively breastfed now
Ive always made a good amount but it would fluxtuate and Collier would become hungrier in the afternoon and i just didnt make enough (Though through the night i always made plenty) So id give him a formula top up
id ilke to say for those who have been exclusive from the start thats wonderful :D but i had no choice some times to give him a top up And i did nothing wrong doing so he only ever had 1 that day and not every day just once in a while

Im making larger amounts at feed times the last time he slept through a feed i expressed 6oz :D ) so less feeds are needed
No formula tops ups needs at all hardly have to express as hes taking it all
He feeds so well he spends less time on the breast i now feed every 3 hours through the day
Hes away been a good night sleeper but last night he slept from 10.30pm to 8.50pm and woke only once for a feed at abour 5/6 oclock (didnt look at the clock) And thats a sign he's getting plenty :dance:

The past month he's hardly had any top ups and he went from 8lb 10 at birth to 11lb 2 weeks ago
he's 12.1oz now and thats all due to me as hes not had a formula in so long ive forgotten the last time he had one

Im proud of him :D but im also quite proud of myslef and my amazing boobies 8) :D :D :D
Aw GL, that's fantastic news. You deserve to be proud of yourself and your amazing body. You are doing a brilliant job!

:cheer: Well done!

Valentine Xxx
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

That is fab sarah, Im so glad your able to exclusively breastfeed, such aspecial bond.

:clap: :clap: :clap: well done sarahs boobs
I'm glad its going well :hug: :hug: I had to top up too for the first few days then bf exclusively for almost 3 months.

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