Happy Due Date to Me :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2010
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Well it's finally here, the date we look forward to for 9 long months.....and where is my little man.....I think he's all warm and comfortable in there, that he doesn't want to come out and play :shakehead:, too much like his dad and very laid back i think!

Haven't really got any signs that it's close, had backache yesterday, but not sure if that was down to the mass cleaning spree I did, got period pains today and had them all night, but that's probably got something to do with the fact I all but jumped on OH last night (anything to get this LO out!),

Trying not to think about it now, cause I'm not very patient at the best of times, but it's hard not too!

How are you girls doing today?
Happy due date !! Right baby out ya come :) Im all good got a checkup this morning , generally uncomfortable at this point though .
Aww, bless ya hun. It's horrible feeling uncomfortable isn't it :( Just remember, it'll all be worth it in the end, when we have these stubborn babies in our arms.
Hope all goes well with your check up.xx
Vey true , I cant wait I just keep telling myself three weeks at the most . Hope things start happening for you soon xxx
:yay: happy due date :) hopefully your little man will get a wriggle on for you now! x
Thanks hunni, well I'm having contractions, but they not lasting long enough, and only coming every 9-10 minutes. Think I just lost my plug but not sure?! TMi - but is it jelly like, tinged with a bit of pink? If so, that's what it was, lol.
I hope he gets a wriggle on too, he owes me lots of cuddles after kicking my insides to bits these last few months!!
How are you feeling?xx
from what i've learnt of all the other ladies on here i'd say it was your plug :) and sounds like those contractions could get more intense soon . . . fingers crossed!
i'm feeling good . . . still! not had any braxton hicks and not really getting any pains, get the odd one which makes me wonder if he's engaged or not, midwife didn't tell me and it's in my notes but she had to press really hard, and below my pelvic line to feel his head so?!?

ooo come on baby Jacob we need a labour watch!!!! x
Yah, hopefully! I need to venture out to shops in a minute, so I'll be the one puffing and panting around town if they get any more intense, lol!
Oh, that's weird that your MW didn't tell you if his head is engaged, Is he your first? If I push my fingertips really low into my pelvis either side, I can feel his head....maybe give that a try?
Happy due date to you! Any time now so put your feet up and relax while you can! x
i did that yesterday! it was really warm here so i got all hot and bothered and it was uphill, there and back!!!
she's honestly really useless! that's what she had to do, but she was pressing really really hard, it actually hurt! she said she wasn't sure if it was his head or bum and kept pressing, then said it was defiantly his head, didn't bother to check to see how he was laying at my growth scan at 34 weeks . . . which was head down, and quite low! and haven't had any back flips so surely he's still head down, silly women!!! sorry for ranting!

walking around town might get gravity pushing him down even more :) x
Happy Due Date! Hope things pick up for you and Little Jacob makes an appearence, dont think we have had a due date baby for a while on here! x
Abby - relaxing would be a fine thing, got to pop out and I run around the house cleaning like a women possessed at the moment, although you could probably eat dinner off these floors, lol.

spice - your mw sounds rubbish! Can you ask to see another one? Surely she'd know if it was his head or not?! I think you'd know if he had changed position, they tend to settle down this late on don't they, well mine does anyway, he still kicks and stuff, but no backflips, somersaults etc!!

Kelly - well I've off to town now, so with all the walking, hopefully he'll put in an appearance soon, I had a due date baby with my first, it'd be brilliant if I had another!

have you been to town yet?
yer she is totally rubbish! no the other one at my surgery is just as bad, really opinionated! but as i don't have long now i'm not to bothered! the midwives at the hospital all seem a lot nicer! well at every scan he's been head down, and havn't felt any back flips since about 25 ish weeks! he just rolls from left to right sticking his bum out one side then the other!
come on Jacob, be a good due date baby for your mummy :) x

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