Hannah's injections..


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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we had them this morning...she was fine it was me who was a wreck!! lol

She only cried for like 10 seconds and that was cos she was asleep when they first one was done, what a horrible way to be woken up eh??!! poor little mite...

anyway, since having them done at 10am, she has been very sleepy.....i gave her a bottle at 11am and she didnt finish it all cos she was just soooo sleepy...

she is down in her basket now.

I'm guessing this is normal that they are extra sleepy the day of their first injections?

I have some calpol at the ready in case she starts to look a little uncomfy and will check her temperature throughout the day too....

would anyone recommend giving her a dose before bed just to keep any fever at bay? xx
IMO I wouldn't give her calpol unless she needs it. If you give it to her too early, you would then have to wait before giving her another dose. Joshua was mega sleepy. He is today from yesterday's ones too. Glad it went well though. I burst into tears with his first ones. This time round I was ok.xx
Hi hun. My lo was sleepy too and maybe a touch more grumpy but i didnt give him calpol and he was fine. They say firsr set isnt as bad as the 2nd and 3rd

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ok, thanks ladies......do i just give her it if she seems unsettled or in pain..or if her temp goes up? xx
If she is uncimfortable or her temperature goes up to 38c, i would give her a dose. Wait and see how she is, she may just be sleepy

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she's so sleepy...she was just grunting then...so went in to see her and she just looked at me for about a min, then fell back to sleep.....not like her!

good job i have this forum or i would be worrying!!!

also....thanks to the ladies who recommended tea tree oil for healing my bits...got some on a pad now and it feels all cool and lovely..lol xx
I used tea tree oil straight away, its also anticeptic. I had a jug in the bathroom and poured water with a drop of tea tree oil every time after i went to the loo. My episiotomy healed quite well.

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Emily had her first jabs yesterday. Poor little thing was very sleepy too, but also very grizzly... Really not like her at all. When she wasn't asleep she was screaming the place down :-(. thankfully she seems much happier today. :)
is it normal for them to not eat as much after injections too? its like she just too tired to have her bottle or the breast...like she cant be bothered. she has had some though....and will try and give her some at regular times xx

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