Half way today.....hoooray


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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:cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:

Can't believe I'm 20 weeks today!!! It took so long to conceive that I never thought I'd see this day and here it is! :cheer:

that means we're on our way to labour from here on :shock: :shock: :shock:
Congrats on your half way milestone Chrissy!! :cheer: x
:dance: and I bet the next 20 weeks will go so much quicker than than the ones just gone!!
Im so happy for you hon, i always looked out secretly for u int he conceive area so glad u made it, all the fun stuff will start now...

congrats!! I'll be 20 weeks on Thurs - it's such a milestone!!!
:clap: :clap:
Hello stranger :wave:

Wow :shock: I can't believe your 20wks already!!!

And I thought you were going to pop back into TTC now and again to see are we all are :shakehead: :wink:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congratulations Chrissy :cheer: It still seems like just yesterday we were charting and stalking :D
:cheer: :cheer: can you believe we are half way through? well i am as of tomorrow hehe :cheer: :cheer:
skairdykat said:
Hello stranger :wave:

Wow :shock: I can't believe your 20wks already!!!

And I thought you were going to pop back into TTC now and again to see are we all are :shakehead: :wink:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I do pop on and see how you all are......I just don't post in case anyone gets upset at seeing my ticker. I know I used to get ticker envy while I was in there but I still check on how you're all doing and I keep all my fingers and toes crossed when it comes to your tests times :hug: :hug:
congratulations on reaching half way! xx
Yeah!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Go chrissy! Congrats on reaching 20 weeks. I am nearly there!

The last few weeks have flown by, it will be our due dates before we know it!

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