Had my last (36 week+) scan today :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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I had my final scan today. I was a bit sad to know it was the last scan for this pregnancy but I'm excited to be a step nearer D-Day :D

Baby was measuring completely average in size all over and the sonographer estimated his weight to be 6lbs 8oz at the moment. With another possible 5 weeks to go (IF I go overdue) he could reach about 9lbs! :dance: (This seems huge to me as my first was only 5lbs 2oz!!)

I remember posting somewhere else - I think on Wend's thread - about baby sizes vs measurements. If you remember my GP measured me at "big for dates" on Monday. He said I was 41 weeks by the fundal height. :shock: Just goes to show how inaccurate those tape measurements are. :D

Hey Sabrina,

So glad that your scan went well today and it sounds like you have a big bonny baby in there!

Was your son early hence why he was small?

One step closer - whoopee!

Valentine xxx
Hi Sabrina,
Good news that all went well at your scan. I've got a scan on Tues and I'm quite sad that it will probably be the last one so I know how you feel xx
Hi Sabrina

:wave: :wave:

Good news your little boy is doing well in there. I don' think he is gonna want to come out !!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Did you get any pictures or is it too big for that now?

Nikki x

I can't believe you're 36wks already Sabrina :shock:
So happy for you all is well, and I wish you lots of comfort and rest for the final weeks of pregnancy :hug:
Take Care & Very Best Wishes :hug:
Good news! not long till you see him in the flesh babe!

Glad my MW has never measured my bump now -would probably just freak me out!

I have my 36 scan a week on Monday (2nd July) to check out my low placenta so :pray:
Thanks ladies. I didn't get any photos this time around. The scan wasn't so clear and yes he was big on the screen so we could only really see his head or body not the whole thing. :)

I can't believe I'm actually almost at term now. There's been times in this pregnancy I thought I'd never make it but in the end it's actually gone better than the first time around when I was 25! :D

TB good luck for your scan on Monday. :hug:
So glad your scan went brill hun :D

Just keep thinking that its not long now until you can hold your little prince :)

I so happy that baby measured average .

WoW 9LB is a big step from your first babys weight .

Im soooooo glad you let me know how you got on .

I told ya not to worry and that everything would be ok .

Looks like OH grandad was right lol your little prince is nearly a 10LB baby :rotfl:
wend said:
So glad your scan went brill hun :D

Just keep thinking that its not long now until you can hold your little prince :)

I so happy that baby measured average .

WoW 9LB is a big step from your first babys weight .

Im soooooo glad you let me know how you got on .

I told ya not to worry and that everything would be ok .

Looks like OH grandad was right lol your little prince is nearly a 10LB baby :rotfl:

I really hope he won't be 10lbs Wend :think: but you are right even a 9lb baby is going to seem HUGE to me. My DS was the smallest baby I'd seen and I guess I kinda expected this one to be a similar size. :doh:

I reckon I'll be selling on quite a lot of unused newborn clothes if LO is that weight!


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