had my boy!

Vicki & Nathan

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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hi everyone.
well it all happened so fast in the end, as you prob know i started a thread as i was getting pains most of the day. phoned mw at about 7.15 and she didnt seem worried just said try and ignore them and if anything else happens let me know. 5 mins after i got off the phone there was a 'pop' and my waters broke.
contractions got to 4 mins apart so went off to hospital and when we got there about 10.30 i was already 5cm dialated. by 1am they checked again and i was 9cm. i had a epidural as the pains in my back were because he was back to back and wouldnt turn which was agony! the epidural half worked on one side but the other side not at all so i had all my pains on my right side. had 4 top ups.
was going to have a 5th but they noticed babies heart rate had gone down to 90 so they decided to get him out straight away by ventouse.
so he was born at 1.30am weighing 6lb.
they were all really happy with him and he found his lungs straight away :lol:
anyway they kept us in yesterday tea time as he had to have his checks, i had several tears (they were 45 mins stitching as they didnt know where the bleeding was coming from) and as i had a epidural.
we are home now and he is doing brilliantly!
bf is going well he took to that straight away and he def is a night baby im worn out he didnt get off til 7.30am so im going for a little sleep in a minute as he has just gone off but i just wanted to come on and let you all know.
good luck to everyone who is due soon, you can do it! if i can anyone can!! :lol:

Im chuffed for you and aint he a lickle weeny babes?

Congrats again and enjoy him! did you stick oto youre original name as well?
Congratulations :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Looking forward to seeing some pics when you have a few minutes!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congrats on the birth of your son .

Cant wait to see some pics :hug:

Biog congrats hun hoep you get some rest :hug: cant wait to see pics
Congratulations - that's great news. Well done xx
congratulations :) sounds like you did brillant esp as he was back to back.
well done - to all of you :D - make sure you get plenty of rest in between feeds :sleep:
Congratulations again Vicki. You did really well and it's great to know you are home with LO already. :)

congratulations hun :cheer:

people keep sayig to me that riley is tiny, my reply is always 'he wasnt when he was coming out of me' with a glare :lol:

glad the BF is going well. im finding it quite painful. i have a few cracks. if you get any, try the nipple shells. there quite good :)
yea 3 weeks for me now or maybe just one if it takes after my oh :shock:

congrats and :wave: to your lil son :)

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