Had my appointment this morning.. updated***


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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My appointment is at 10 am, had to ring my mum as i wasnt well last night so shes gonna come with me to look after the kids :cheer:

Having a growth scan and cant wait to see lo again, also i cant wait to see if hes gonna be a biggy.. cos i feel like he is..

Gonna talk about my section and what are the chances of me having him natural and what way i can get sterlised if i choose not to have a section etc..

so wish me luck :hug:


Ok well im back now, after waiting over an hour i had to ask when i was gonna be seen cos the kids were getting fed up bless them... anyway had scan and here he is.. he was being a monkey yet again so nothing new but not a great pic, but you can see his head, and its huge......


He was wiggling that much he was kicking the scan thing off :rotfl:

anyway bailey is weighing in at 4lb 6 at the moment, so a good healthy weight,

after the scan i went to see the consultant and it was a lady and she was really nice, we spoke about me having a section etc and getting sterlised and having a natural birth etc etc, anyways i have got 2 weeks to think about it,

17th July bailey will be born, if.. i want a section and to get sterlised at the same time,


17th July to be induced and try for a vaginal delivery :cheer:

Obviosly if the induction doesnt work for any reason then i will have my section anyway and get done, but if it does work and i go on to deliver him then i will go for my sterlisation 2 months after the birth..

If bailey decides to be naughty before hand like bradley did then i will have a emergency c section anyway

thyroid tests have all come back clear, been refered to the heart consultant so just waiting on him now and i have to be seen again in 2 weeks.. so roll on 13th June..

thats it.. getting excited now, i know i am going to try for a natural, docs dont see any reason why i cant try so wahoooooo.. full steam ahead now.. and the fact im gonna be induced 3 weeks early is a bonus,
good luck hun, it will be nice to see your LO again. hope your consultant agrees you can have the birth you want :hug:
Thanks girls..

heading off now so will update you all later on
That's great news hun hopefully he'll be a good little boy and not act up and you'll get your vaginal delivery.

Best of luck for 13th June with the heart guy how that goes well.
Aww i'm glad all went well. Lovely scan pic.
Great scan pic. Very clear profile. :D

You are really lucky they are giving you a choice of inducing or CS at the same stage SSS. I know I'd go for the induction first too. At least that way you get to try the labour and if it doesn't work then you have lost nothing. I think that would be my ideal solution too. (fingers crossed)

i juist said i needed help etc and they went through the pro's and cons of having sterlised whilst having section and the risk of it not working as good is higher than the keyhole type..

so yeah im gonna try natrual thats the least i can do.. if not then i'll have the section anyway..

one way or another hes coming out lol :cheer:

Thats great glad it went well, your scan pic is great :)
im really pleased for you fiona, i hope your natural birth works out for you :hug:
Great that you actuly have a choice in the matter, considering its your body and all!
Its like a lot of us said and you - that hes your baby, and why not have a natural birth and jump back into shape quicker, c sections arw horrible and the recovery time is more slow and painful.
The best of luck to you fiona babes.

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