Had my 4D Ultrasound..


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
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on wednesday, and found out were having a lil girl. I knew it was a girl all along, and she crossed her legs at my last scan.

Well she was a madam at the 4D too, lol She decided she wanted to be breech and not budge the whole way through. The lady doing the scan tried to prod her to move and nope, then she kept putting her hand over her face and we still couldnt see much of her. So i got sent out for a 10 minute walk and have a chocolate bar.

Came back, and now the cord was in front of her face. I think she's camera shy like mummy. lol So to save keep prodding her we have to go back on monday. Hopefully she'l have moved by then.

The midwife told me to get on all fours and wriggle my bum in the air. So thats what i'l be doing that morning. lol

Oh yeah forgot to say, she's measuring 2lb 1oz, and apparently has quite abit of hair. Awww lol
little madam!!!,
at my 4d scan my baby kept pushing himself up against the planceta and they couldnt get a good view of his face, he was being a right monster, anyway i got some nice piccy in the end

hope she moves by monday and behaves herself, good luck!!!
Thanks hun. I hope she moves too. She was actually laying her head on one of my blood vessels and it was bouncing up and down like no business. The lady said that could actually make me feel sick and feel faint at times, and that she should want to move. But nope, must have been comforting to her, lol

If she doesnt co-operate on monday i only need to pay half price and just get the 2d pics instead of the 4d.
oh naughty little girl....I got sent out aswell when my LO had his....if there is things you know help your LO then try that, I know food doesn't have much effect on my LO's movements

I'll keep my fingers crossed for monday

Hope she moves by monday they can be very stubborn somtimes

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