Had midwife and sweep!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

Just got back from midwife.

She booked me for induction on 21st and has just rung to say the unti is closed then so now booked in for 22nd, but have to go for a trace on the 21st. No idea why!

So a week to go if nothing happens.

She didn't offer a sweep so i asked. She said often they can't do it with first babies as the cervix is high and can't reach. But she did it. Said the cervix was reachable and she could get a finger in and was 1-2cm dilated. But it was still thick and needs to thin out. But she said it may help but don't know.

Also she advised i go to the labour ward not the broadlands ward. The broadlands ward is just midwife led so no doc's or epidurals. But they can wheel you down to labour ward if necessary. But she said as the baby was big it would be safer if i was on the labour ward. But she said i wouldn't wired up to any machines and would be low risk. Also they have a pool whihc rarely gets used as most women are higer risk on labour ward. So i hope to get to use it.

Feel a bit sore and crampy from being poked about but going to town now so hope the walk will encourage labour!

Love Lau
6 days over!
I hope the sweep helps and that your not waiting too much longer. :hug:
Fingers crossed the cramps continue - I felt the same way after my sweep and the cramps got stronger and stronger and turned into contractions...
Get walking hun!
do the dirty deed as well, ya never no, hope your not waiting to much longer... :hug: :hug: :hug:
yeh i hope it works :D

come on baby.... how was it? what did they do??

you better tex me.. if anythinbg happens :wink:


It wasn't too bad actually. Bit embarassing obviously. It hurt more her trying to reach my cervix than the actual sweep bit. Just feels a bit like i've been whacked in the fanny, lol!

But it really wasn't as bad as i thought. So i am glad i asked for it to be done.

Been walking round town but had to come home as felt too uncomfy and couldn't walk too much so going to bounce on birthing ball instead.

Hope to be posting later but have a feeling cramps will stop and i'll be disapointed again :eek:(


Cramps stopped yesterday evening so did the deed which made them come back again. Was having cramps and what i think was braxton hicks through the night around every 15 mins but then fell asleep and they stopped.

Had the odd pain today but nothing bad or regular so will get walking and bouncing, lol!

omg u cant have yours tilll 2nd i hoe baby decides enough is enough and hates being cosy inside your belly and decides to come out very soon :)
Try going up and down the stairs on your arse. I did it when I was 8 days overdue, my plug came out nearly straight away and I was in labour an hour later - Go on; give it a go!! :D
Jen79 said:
Try going up and down the stairs on your arse. I did it when I was 8 days overdue, my plug came out nearly straight away and I was in labour an hour later - Go on; give it a go!! :D

I've never heard of that before, very original!!

Worth a try Lau, hope things happen really soon for you :D
Walking round town was getting the occasional braxton hicks type thing.

Well belly went hard and felt quite uncomfortable and could feel pressure down below. So assuming it was braxton hicks. Maybe they'll turn into something more painful (she hopes) :shock:


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