Had growth scan today


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Had my growth scan today babies weight was at 4 pounds 9 ounces He said its about normal for how far along i am but everything ive read said baby should be about 3 pounds hmm.
The guy was a jerk and tried telling me i could only have photocopied papers as they dont have the regular scan ones but i told him that i had already gotten one here and so has my sister then he changed his story and said oh well this room doesnt print them :twisted: hes such a liar and just pissed me off makes me mad that everyone else i know gets them and i dont im going to write a complaint to them.
Plus he gave me the worst picture can barely see anything grr.
But was cool to see baby again!

What a shame, the woman who done my 12 week scan was like that. Total pain in the rear end, we didn't like her what so ever, she just seemed to go out of her way to be difficult and we didn't get to really enjoy it. We did get one picture but we'd seen others coming out with like 3 or 4 pictures....unfair really. The main thing was with us (and it with you!) is that we knew baby was ok, growing fine, heart beat was strong and so forth....you have had your measurements, weight etc, everything's looking good at at the end of the day you'll most likely never see that jerk again but you'll always have your healthy baby!! Glad the baby was ok and forget Mr. Jerk they are not worth your upset! xxxx

Oh and slightly OT but I can't believe your at the 30 week marker already, was only yesterday you posted bye bye T2....time flys!!! :hug:
Sorry it wasnt as enjoyable as it could of been hun :hug:

At least you got to see LO though :cheer: I read that at 30 weeks the average baby is 3lb but I had my scan around that time and he was 3lb 9oz. Im not even sure how accurate that was :?

I didnt get pictures either :(

If you feel you werent treated fairly though definitely make a complaint, I would :evil:

Thanks girls :hug:
Nicola i know time does go fast pretty soonit will be you !!

x-kirsty-x i probably will just for the fact he was lying and i know he was

seems like a big baby to me .They said at 33 weeks i think it was Dylan was 4.9Lbs and they expected him if he continued they way he was to be 7.9Lbs.

Ask your m/w or consultant if you have one
what a shame.

but your pics are better than my 20week ones. i cant see nothing on mine.

Thanks girls, i think i am going to expect nothing less then 8 pounds but i could be wishful and say 7 pounds :) guess i wont know till the day comes

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